This Morning we will make one short introduction about Big Rabbits Breeders and Trainers (BRB) and (BRT).
I do not reffer only at Big Rabits Breeders from little Kinkdom who have fish form, we will talk and about Rabits B & T from ofer Kingdoms , much large with much more influence that little Kingdom, because this imperial world is very large.
This breeders know only one thing : to win the Mondial Big Rabit Show (MBRS) and International Big Rabit Show (IBRS). Sure exist one true industry on horizontal and in vertical mode.
The Big Rabbits Bitting Trainers (BRBT) learn the poor rabits to bite one carrot because they losting their ancestral memory and forget to bite.
Other Big Rabbits Fooding Trainers (BRFT) learn the poor rabits to fooding again, because I forget to inform my, in last period , the Rabitts are fooding with artificial food and they don't know soo well to fooding with natural. Some time, I seen with my eyes , one big rabbit who don't know to fooding with one carrot. About one big bone....this are out from our discussions because fortunately the rabits don't fooding with bones.
Other Big Rabbits Selection Trainers (BRST) are the trainers who learn the poor rabits to be kindly and how they can be selected with succes . This happened in special rings. Some time they select and when don't exist Rabbits to select. In this case, they call Rabits from others Kingdoms, to help .
Not soo long time ago, I heard about one new Trainer new vocation. I heard about Big Rabbits Matting Trainers.(BRMT). What they can make ? They show to Rabbits how they can mate.
How is corectly to mate ? Like one true Rabbit.
I will inform you about one sunny story.
In one young couple, the Young-man go to one sexy shop and ask about one sex teacher. The shop-Seller sell to our Young-man one MOSQUITO in one little bottle .
He inform our Young-man this mosquito will teach him how he can make love with his lovable whife.
At home, in first night, NOTHING ! The Mosquito don't move from the room wall.
Second day, happened same thing.
At the 3-th day, in the evening, the Young man call shop-Seller to complain about Mosquito don't teach him to ...make love.
When the shop-Seller heard this problem, say :
-Mosquito ! Take care ! Will be the LAST TIME when i will show you .
And the shop-Seller begin to make love with wife of our herro.
Pease visit Other English News.
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