Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

marți, 19 ianuarie 2010

The question and the answer

3020-01-11 78:70:17, IP:60-90-60 from: Roma antique

There are many very pretty litters with scary pedigree even if so many rabbits die young. Very nice looking and probably all show winners but are they going to be veteran rabbits ?

Answer: majority of them NO !

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