Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

duminică, 22 noiembrie 2009

The Gifts

Because here , in Siberia, Saint Nicholas comes early, I will offer two gift to our great Rabbits specialists , two bassically mans of ' brain wash machine' .

To influencial specialist wich I heard he love toys , I offer the following :

To his good friend , TI specialist ,Ingland specialist who talk incorect maternal language , president of Giant 10 Rabbits from 5 races , who laught by WineBereGer name and without any character by our rabbits true history I offer next gift:

Maybe in this mode will learn one thing: the the the mus mus muscles can not not always substitute the bra bra bra ptiu ! brain .

Regards from afar Siberia

Forever yours,
Forever near you ,


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