Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

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marți, 5 mai 2009

Russian Roulette

Because nobody don't offer response why died one stud ,finnaly somebody write in one public place :

"Hate to be the one who breaks this to you but cardio is everywhere! There is no line, no single dog and no single breeder alone responsible for it. It is deep in the genes of this breed. We can not rescue dobes from cardio by avoiding one single dog. Have you ever really studied dobermann pedigrees? More than 5 generations back? If you have then you must know that dobermann genes are all more or less the same. Cardio is not a new problem and it really doesn't matter if breeders start to avoid one dog or one line. They will get the exact same genes then form other lines. Basically I want to say that it does not matter where you get your cardio genes because at some point you will get them anyway! We all hope for the genetest ! "

Waw...in face of evidances,they begin to accept the things and more that..they begin to EXCUSE these things.
If few years ago, nobody don't know nothing , now they inform us, the problem exist all around us and is imposible to avoid them. I ask myself, Who use only same lines and make incredible repetate inbreeding coefficients ussing dangerouse lines ?
Waw! Then ....the question is Why breed don't have alternative today ? WHERE ARE THE HEALTLY LINES ? Because they exist in past.

Somebody say :
Long lived dogs have came from dogs who died early and short lived dogs have came from dogs that lived long.
That speach will remaining in history ! If i thinking more, he have right, today is inverse. Today is Russian Roulette.

Good chance !

Pease visit Other English News.

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