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joi, 21 mai 2009

Monkeys or Mans , Homo or Normals ? IV

The European Parliament resolution adopted on 14 ianurie 2009 forces Romanian state to recognize homosexual marriage or couples having a civil partnership in other European countries or to legalise drogs consume.
The resolution, initiated by comunist Italian Euro-parliamentarian Giusto Catania, says that homosexual marriage or pairs recorded in an EU country must be recognized and the home country (clik here to read in Romanian language) . Practically, this means that two Romanian gay "married" in Spain will be recognized as such and in Romania.
This Resolution is a victory of gay activists in the process to force the EU to implement a pro-gay legislation across the European Union.

How do you reactionate if in one day your child will say he is Homosexual or he get drogs ?
Saturday May 23, at 11:00, in front of the Romanian Atheneum, will be one legal meeting for all Romanians who wish to live and to grow childrens into a normal country! Romania is not Sodoma!
Then I ask :
EUROPA is SODOMA and Europeans are drogated monkeys?
The WORLD is SODOMA and humans are drogated monkeys?
This mean Unique Mondial Gouvern ?
What decisions get Bilderberg group at Athena this year ?
This is the New World Order ?

Then ,
Is time to saw to this MONKEYS who lead world with their money and make laws for humans - THIS IS ROMANIA and peace will no be what time monkeys lead the humans !

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