Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

luni, 25 mai 2009

Daily news

Daily news : "The 200 people who were marching under the flag of homosexuality in our Capital , had led by politicians and diplomats. But not Romanians : the British, French, Swedish, Dutch and other nationalities."

Napolion say to this 'mans' who make world politic to STOP learn our childrens that is normal. Yes, that is normal for Monkeys.

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