Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

joi, 14 mai 2009

THE players !

Napolion talk in one anterior story about great Acuna and his relative-blood with first Rabbit Female from Little Kingdom of Fokus the King.

Almost all descendants of first female from little Kingdom was losted . The breeders from little Kingdom endure foreign domination fully by DISEASES , the basical blood-lines was almost covered and few traitors help at this. Who are this traitors ? They will be presented step by step in our fantastic story at opportune moment , because to the finish of story they will prove who they are. Few of them already prove .

Maybe some personages understand the sistem and try to play the game .... For example owner from El Valahia , he try to play but ..at the finish he endure desaster ! The un-afectated (for the moment) El-Valahia breeding-line come from first Rabbit female, but this don't mean they don't play Russian Roulette and in any moment can ..... booooommmm!. This is the beauty of this game, the result we can know only at the fine, when make..booooommmm!

About Samurai he love the foreign blood-lines and he don't lost any ocassion to promovate them. If we talk about Rabbits,he hate three names : Daciai'os , Fustenfelld&Vinberger's and Russian.
If we talk about humans,he hate three names too : Fokus, Napolion and theLord . But now,his BIG love is the LORD , because Lord broken his legs almost every day!
about Samurai, the specialist in war strategy I don't talk yet..Napolion decide to leave him in the hand of the Lord DUDAU to broken his bones .
Citation from the LORD :

Photobucket Here is Statupalmabarbacot in time when he make war strategies .He is the man with black lame rabbit ,so ugly that all rabbit females RUN away when see him.

Now you remember.

But...regarding the LORD preferance, not Samurai is the big love of the Lord.
The big love of the lord is Napolion and...Sapca - the prim-minister of the Fokus the King. Only 2 days ago, The Lord DUDAU atack prim-minister about disasters from little Kingdom .

For example one Napolion good friend named V. request to apply in little Kingdom the best things from Foreign Imperial Forces (FIF): the clears Germank procedures ussing IDENTICAL ROMAN LEGIONS STRUCTURES AND FREE FUNCTIONALITY.
Or this don't happened yet and the years are losted stupid, when they try to apply Germank rules without any support. Maybe this happened under Imperial presure ,but one Roman Big General (RBG) inform Napolion friend , this don't happened under presure and was one personal decision.

Do you think prim-minister will change something ? Very rare one prime-minister change something in his politic. About this words, Fokus the King must to thinking well before to become responsable himself !

About big player Fokus the King is hard to apreciate his position . He is one good player. Then..about the King we will talk after his next movements.

About the rest....not for moment...

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