She say HIMSELF something like that (Is hard to me to translate all what she say):
"From december 2005 I watching with attention at RDC klub activities, the unique Rabbits klub from our kingdom.
Every day I am more wondered by opacity of his members and leaders.
My sensation is everithing what they make is one big secret very well defended in face of outsiders ...............
After this, Lady DUDA begin to make acussation about politic, Rabbits breeding activities and talk without any sense about this subject. In same time, his husband discuss retorically about Rabbits pedigrees , monopol and hard breeding conditions from Kingdom .
At the final she explain retorical 3 reactions :
-first is fully by violence and malice from service-team who stay on-guard in little Kingdom
-second is SILENTIO STAMPA /indifference : "you write what you like, I don't care by your words/proposals/critiques
- third : stupid Napolion "vice-versa" and his friends interventions .
Yes,she have right, Napolion is stupid because He show stupidity there where exist !!
I will presente now Napolion friends from little Kimgdom :
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