Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

luni, 8 iunie 2009


Part -I-
Napolion presents one cool biting of one Rabbitz from Sibieni. I hope you have understood how to fly and bite a real Rabbit.

This is Rabbit Citrone when training in the morning when he was fresh neuron.

Because have too fresh neurons and excited nervs, to avoid uncontrolled responses of Rabbit, Napolion decided together with Personal Trainer(the friends know who) to awfully tired the Rabbit full of energy , beginning early, in the morning. But is easy to say but harder to do, then, both (trainer and Napolion) begin to tired our fleet Rabbit.

First choice for training area was one forest where with nostalgia , Napolion remember how 20 years ago, resonate the barks of VinBereGer Rabbits (because I forgot to say in that years the Rabitts barks).

The forest is the same, but just old and ruined after 20 years. So,in same mode, 20 years more passed over Napolion and his friends : Caligula (it said so because il had the great Caligula) and Tartzarin -Valahia kennel, the oldest Rabbit breeder from Kingdom, which Napolion meet them in the evening.

Unfortunately Tartzarin- is lost by some time his view and Napolion was striking by one impassable wall black and remaining impressed by the darkness and the struggle of his friend with normal things that we seem easy.

Not later than evening, they memories Caligula,the best striker in Rabbit Kingdom. Caligula always wear muzzle, and when he matting with female because was totally crazy and bite them.

-And how the hell- you proceed in the ring? -Ask Napolion

-How-how? I eliminate when the judge is approaching to see dentition -answered Caligula.

After few seconds, Napolion say:
-Do You hear me? make me get a good old Rabbit. Can be one good step because actual don’t exist soo many alternatives.

-I have a bitch of Caligula and Ariane line, is the only one who I know. But is crazy and ugly. She Knock all males to water sounds in their heads. Ariana was the most beautiful and longevive female in the Kingdom. He died several years ago. Her chest was inherited from Dinosaurus – begin Caligula started memories, like Napolion never heard or know Ariana.

-Well-what you expect to obtain with Caligula ? - ask Napolion . What we can do with this female ? To scare people? Search one old, from Ariana and from Torro !

-I don 't know Torro !– decide Caligula.

-Eeeee – You don 't know ! You know ! say Tartzarin with wisdome .

-Well, you don’t know Napsugar who win in face of Valdimor -said Caligula to solve his problem in positive mode.

And because Napolion make big eyes, Caligula will remember this impossible name more that 6 times.

-Torro name is Graphic Tira of Norden Star - say Napolion to solve problem.

- Ahhh .. I know this Rabbit but I don’t know descendents from him. Nothing remaining and the same from Baron from Luxenburg, one fully occidental top line imported by Senior African Impala kennel in same time when she get Dinosaurus from Spanu. The problem of Baron was bad back legs movement, and some from his puppys inherite this problem.

Napolion nothing comment even he know this story. The truth is the Kingdom blood-line has losted in hands 'of the Kingdom Big Breeders' and Impala Senior was one of them.

Maybe because this reasons Fokus the King smile few years ago, in General Rabbits Meeting , when Napolion say his memorable speech and talk possitive about Impala Segnior breeding (in this time Napolion don't have acces to Nostradamus database) . But..who know exactly why smile King Fokus... ?

-Many stupid occidental things was introduced in our Kingdom - make final conclusion Caligula and he confirm with this words the black Napolion thoughts .

Tartzarin listen and make rare intervention , only when was necessary. He conform problem :

-Yes, many from the new lines losted their instincts and ressistance -say Tartarin.

Napolion smile inside his soul, Tartzarin remaining one of THEM.

-Here nothing remaining -continuued Tartzarin. Only in Russian Kingdom maybe you cand find something old. Maybe here remaining something because they are big, try to finish the inutiled Bla Bla discussion .

Napolion thinking , maybe his friend is not soo well informed about actual Russian lines. Napolion search long time , the pure Russian lines don't exist in present and almost was supprimed in genetically battle with occidental lines. Only few lines remaining : Akura, Bertta Konstant, Akk-Year in few Ukrainean kennels .
Napolion know Russian MIKY was only one part from genetically secret of longevive Kingdom losted line.
He ask himself many time if his Rabbits keep in their blood the genetical keys or all are losted...But nothing comment about this.

........will continue

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