Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

joi, 11 iunie 2009

Lady DUDA return

Lady DUDA return more stronger than ever :
She is very nervouse because "stupid viceversa" Napolion talk positive about Painted Dream female. She consider this mean one pact with Devil and Napolion renounce at his " soul/honour/intelligence ".
His brain is incapable to understand one simply thing: Napolion try to construct the alternative, and no matter who is the owner what time he promovate safe genetics in the Kingdom.Or..one 2/2 inbreeding on longevive Mike, teoretically and matematically must to be safe.

For example, Napolion don't like the breeding mode of some other breeders. One of them, have in past Rabbits from Gramor Herman-Sonaik and was Dinosaurus rival .The diference was Dinosaurus don't play the game against Kingdom lines and he put his unique genes in battle near our Rabbits and he imprim fast his fantastic chest . This breeder affirm false things about old Rabbits from Kingdom. For example, one his young friend affirm in repetate mode, the old lines was fully by diseases and they can be responsable by actual problems.
Or..this young person was too young to know the truth about old years of our fantastic story. Then , logically, Mr.Liar talk what he want and in few things he desinform :

The old Rabbits line was one victim of SYSTEM and heart problems, cancer,hd , character, stomachal torsion comme from the new occidental lines promovated with System help BY exactly this breeders.
More that, today don't exist soo much rabbits from first Kingdom line and they are not present in 'modern' pedigrees. THEN is stupid to acusse them they are ressponsabled by problems. Napolion request to this mans IN FACE OF EVIDANCES to accept the truth.

Returning, Painted Dream female have chance to pass Russian Roulette because she have equilibrate genetics from Mike and Russian Akura.
The Lucky female and his products are the unique lines accepted for moment by Napolion in his breeding plans, because he decide to don't risk more and inutile.
This nothing have to do with Fokus the King person.

If God help, in one day Napolion will close little Kingdom circle. To this moment, Napolion is free to PAINT his DREAMS and prepare the moment.
We will see the final.

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