Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

luni, 22 iunie 2009

Napolion inform

One anonim say to Napolion in one comment : You begin to be their slavish

Napolion inform this man : NO my riend, I begin to participate to restore the law.The right law.

The Lord DUDAU say :

I laught by all of you, you are soo proud when you win alone in the rings. Now I say suficiently clear or i must to "paint"

About rings....you acusse the rings are empty. That is normal because Russian Roulette actionate by long time here and exist many decisive factors . This happened and at international level, but is more hard because they are the source of actual system . The system begin to shut down , mans discuss, they begin to acusse, they search the source of bad things. Germany acusse ...USA ask and ask what happened here , Russians appear with best their forces and acusse others , breeders acusse one against other when lost Russian Roulette . All eyes are large opens !
That is only begining .

Look for example, what happened at dobermann race, in the last show from little Kingdom . Brother against brother. This mean the selection work all this time, they are the last who remaining . At the final, the law will be restored, will remaining who will pas Russian Roulette .

Or duty is to select RIGHT, because in my opinion is the last possible selection.

Even brown is equlibrate and calm he atack Mohican -is one rivality between them. Brown was nervouse and atac and Citto , young Citto responde, but V. defend him by powerfull Mohicans :-).
But for sure, Mohican prove he have right gene. Right gene say : NEVER ATAC FIRST and never atac somebody inofensive .

In background, V. looking calm , wait , and keep in hand Daciaio genes.

In this time...afar by Kingdom, one man resist alone in face with best world forces ... At home, Furstenfeld DN genes puppys grow near Lucky the Lucky .
In this time , Ron Fiorsilva (the AIAD sieger) puppys grow inside of Lucky and Gino daughter.
Daciaio's return in Dacian Kingdom .

Un comentariu:

  1. o iar bati cimpul ,cred ca esti in droguri . vai ce mare realizare a ROMINILOR o amarita de zavra din focus KACAT a venit pe locul 3 la junioe sinbata AIAD . ba excrocilor veniciva in fire .


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