Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

marți, 30 iunie 2009

To the Lord of Ocean Fish

To the Lord of Oceanic Fish, Lord DUDAU, Napolion say next things :

In time when I work at database and software,in time when I try to start one new 'circle' in Kingdom, from best actual lines but I don't find soo much interest around me, you laught on your writes by 'circle theory ' because your brain and genetically knowledge are zero. My patience with mans like you become zero too.

In few words, for your brain, The Rabbits Breeders au FUTUT ( they fuck) brothers and sisters without any equilibrum and you can found over first 4 pedigree generation only same Rabbits ancestors . After that their brains ask how appear DH C , missing teeths and Rabbits died youngs. They learn us this is the breeding modern mode and all world breeders FUT (fuck) (semi)brothers and sisters even their parents died at 4 years ! After that they say us storys about how beautiful is the Raimbow Bridge and many politically excuses.

And now, you ask all day why rabbits died young ,you ask again and again and you acusee all around you because you are incapable to understand what happened genetically in fact . AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SOLUTION, ONLY ACUSSES !

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