Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989

Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .

miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

S&I&S. V.S. Duda family

Other big and agressive scandal explode last day between Schelau & African Iada & Samurai VS DUDA family.
First reason because Lord DUDAU ask about RDC (Rabbits Democratic Club ) results and request some pictures.
Then, Samurai responde this is not Lord bussines to ask about results and pictures from rabbits show.

Then Lord say in his blog something like that : " What time this RDC try to be National(even is not because only few kenenls from Kingdoms participate at show, then is and my bussines to ask ".

About pictures...African Iada (Iada mean Impala in our language) say something like that: "why to publish pictures ? after that you will affirm pictures are modified !"

Lord say in his blog "don't exist any problem what time pictures are un-moduified".

But African Iada don't like Dudau family answers and the war already is started.

Because Lord say about Samurai :"the big war strateg , the big trainer, the big breeder, the man whos at his command the sun appear and dissapear, the big man don't participate at RDC show"and many other things who don't have sense to be writed here, Lady Virgin make public announcement : Samurai search his home adress and threaten phisical violences.

Napolion say:
That is not soo nice drear SAMURAI to be violent with one Virgin Lady. !

After that, The Lord DUDAU acusse Fokus the King he based his politic on mans like Schelau, Iada, Samurai.

NAPOLION don't believe this acussations and inform King Fokus, personal will be verry dissapointed if time will proove he based little Kingdom politic support on mans similar ours imaginar caricatural personages .
This can be one UNPARDONABLE error.

Note: Napolion receive one not so nice message ...and for corect information accept to publish him .
"After many weeks by comments , both DUDELS explode and Turkeys start war at their mouth (ha ha ha..I don't know to translate this expression who mean they talk too much ) .
Dear mans, you don't have anithing more good to DO ?
Grand mother, please erase the dust from furnitures because soon your Chiu-ua-ua will dissapperar and don't try to become star at this years !"

Napolion responde to Anonim :
Too late for your message. The Lord and Virgin Lady DUDA already are INTERNATIONAL stars .And they are not alone.

In image Star Factory.


Un comentariu:

  1. Dupa saptamani intregi de comentarii fara rost, Dudele au explodat , se bat turcii la gura lor. Mai oameni voi chiar nu aveti treaba?Mamaie, mai sterge praful de pe mobila ca acusi nu se mai vede nici ciu-ua-ua din poza si nici tzoalele de pe pereti, nu va mai straduiti atat sa ajungeti vedete la varsta asta.


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