Welcome in the best SIBERIAN RABBITS kennel from the world : DODERMANN -Registration Number on CIF : SB-D-5956556/1989
Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Napolion storyes are PAMPHLETS , any similitude with real personages are accidental !
Fie ca linistea si pacea sa domneasca in acest Kingdom si rabitii Nostrii porniti din NUMERO ONE sa se inmulteasca ca iepurii , ca altadat .
duminică, 31 mai 2009
Asa cum marturiseste el insusi in scrierile personale, Big Breedeersul de Rabbiti Lord Dudau are cosmaruri pe cand doarme in pat cu The Lady Virgin.
Cine si ce i-a provocat Lordului cosmaruri de data aceasta ?? Asa cum marturiseste el, nimeni altul decat RDC , Clubul Democratic de Rabiti . Si cum un club nu poate provoca nimic, el fiind actiunea si reactiunea oamenilor din interiorul sau, The Lord marturiseste cu mana pe inima ca Focus the King i-a provocat cosmaruri fiind raul cel mare in timp ce considera prim-ministrul raul cel mai mic .
Din aceasta cauza iarasi Lord a intrat in conflict de interese cu Napolion, deoarece Napolion a afirmat ca atata timp cat Fokus the King merge in directia buna il va sprijini.
Ori nu este reprosabil lui Fokus faptul ca, asa cum Napolion anticipase intr-o scriere anterioara, nu a existat vointa si capacitatea de schimbare. Si nici nu putea sa fie intr-un Kingdom divizat de interese contrare si o unica intrunire anuala und-sagatza-harta-n-cui.
Desigur ca de vina este CRIZA mondiala, masonii si Fokus. Fokus e de vina si cand e presedinte si cand nu e presedinte. Fokus cu banda sa -spuse Lordul- condusa de Samurai si Schelau .
Ori..in realitate Fokus the King nu are nici o legatura cu 'banda' condusa de Samurai, deoarece Samurai s-a aratat OBEDIENT fata de actuala conducere in dorinta sa de a-l inlatura pe Fokus si a preintampina revenirea acestuia. Totodata nu stiu cata legatura are Fokus cu actuala viata politica dat fiind faptul ca in ultima vreme s-a retras. In realitate traim intr-un Kingdom divizat si acesta ar trebui sa fie marele cosmar al tuturor.
Deci Napolion a decis sa astepte si sa sprijine reforma. Doar ca...se pare ca asteapta degeaba.....
Acum se intreaba daca trebuie sa mai astepte un an....sau doi ?...sau 20 ?
Cine si ce i-a provocat Lordului cosmaruri de data aceasta ?? Asa cum marturiseste el, nimeni altul decat RDC , Clubul Democratic de Rabiti . Si cum un club nu poate provoca nimic, el fiind actiunea si reactiunea oamenilor din interiorul sau, The Lord marturiseste cu mana pe inima ca Focus the King i-a provocat cosmaruri fiind raul cel mare in timp ce considera prim-ministrul raul cel mai mic .
Din aceasta cauza iarasi Lord a intrat in conflict de interese cu Napolion, deoarece Napolion a afirmat ca atata timp cat Fokus the King merge in directia buna il va sprijini.
Ori nu este reprosabil lui Fokus faptul ca, asa cum Napolion anticipase intr-o scriere anterioara, nu a existat vointa si capacitatea de schimbare. Si nici nu putea sa fie intr-un Kingdom divizat de interese contrare si o unica intrunire anuala und-sagatza-harta-n-cui.
Desigur ca de vina este CRIZA mondiala, masonii si Fokus. Fokus e de vina si cand e presedinte si cand nu e presedinte. Fokus cu banda sa -spuse Lordul- condusa de Samurai si Schelau .
Ori..in realitate Fokus the King nu are nici o legatura cu 'banda' condusa de Samurai, deoarece Samurai s-a aratat OBEDIENT fata de actuala conducere in dorinta sa de a-l inlatura pe Fokus si a preintampina revenirea acestuia. Totodata nu stiu cata legatura are Fokus cu actuala viata politica dat fiind faptul ca in ultima vreme s-a retras. In realitate traim intr-un Kingdom divizat si acesta ar trebui sa fie marele cosmar al tuturor.
Deci Napolion a decis sa astepte si sa sprijine reforma. Doar ca...se pare ca asteapta degeaba.....
Acum se intreaba daca trebuie sa mai astepte un an....sau doi ?...sau 20 ?
Out of game !
Dear Rabbits lovers ,
Today Napolion will story about Russian Roulette again. Now is well knowed , this Russian game who enter in little Kingdom bringing by Big Breeders helped by Big Imperial Breeders & Judges , now is played with pleasure by all Rabbits Breeders.
The game is simply :
-If you don't have modern blood-lines from Big Rabbits Breeders , then your rabbits are out. No metter if your Rabbits come genetically from historical lines from Furstengel or Gui Hiro from Nordenn region or, recently, Bayer breeder . This breeders was eliminated by system, even they offer power of breed.
-If you don't have trainer to learn your dog to mate (clik here to read MOSKUITO STORY) , then....after few tryings , your line enter in imposibilities to have puppys and is out.
-If you refusse to accept one from THEM because have illness , then..you don't have alternatives and your line is out again.
-If you choice one from THEM, then in three generations , genetically your line is covered is out again.
-If you refusse the Giant Rabbits genes , then you are out again.
-if you don't use advertising ussing modern tools and expansive foto-camera and your picture interventions are not profesional, then you are out again. (clik here to read about Advertising)
-if you don't participe at Big Rabbits International Shows (BRIS), you are out again .
-if you don't train your Rabbits , they are out from Rabbits Big Judges (RBJ) selection . If you don't have RBJ selection then, mean , your Rabbits are stupids and out of game again.
-if you enter in system and accept to play this rules, then you need to accept to play Russian Roulette (clik here to read more about this game) where ,in any moment, you can be out again .
Napolion say : OK, let's play but now we will play Russian Roulette !
And request to Fokus the King (F K) and few other Breeders from Little Kingdom (BLK) to play at maximum THEIR capacity with maximum attention and informations.
Today Napolion will story about Russian Roulette again. Now is well knowed , this Russian game who enter in little Kingdom bringing by Big Breeders helped by Big Imperial Breeders & Judges , now is played with pleasure by all Rabbits Breeders.
The game is simply :
-If you don't have modern blood-lines from Big Rabbits Breeders , then your rabbits are out. No metter if your Rabbits come genetically from historical lines from Furstengel or Gui Hiro from Nordenn region or, recently, Bayer breeder . This breeders was eliminated by system, even they offer power of breed.
-If you don't have trainer to learn your dog to mate (clik here to read MOSKUITO STORY) , then....after few tryings , your line enter in imposibilities to have puppys and is out.
-If you refusse to accept one from THEM because have illness , then..you don't have alternatives and your line is out again.
-If you choice one from THEM, then in three generations , genetically your line is covered is out again.
-If you refusse the Giant Rabbits genes , then you are out again.
-if you don't use advertising ussing modern tools and expansive foto-camera and your picture interventions are not profesional, then you are out again. (clik here to read about Advertising)
-if you don't participe at Big Rabbits International Shows (BRIS), you are out again .
-if you don't train your Rabbits , they are out from Rabbits Big Judges (RBJ) selection . If you don't have RBJ selection then, mean , your Rabbits are stupids and out of game again.
-if you enter in system and accept to play this rules, then you need to accept to play Russian Roulette (clik here to read more about this game) where ,in any moment, you can be out again .
Napolion say : OK, let's play but now we will play Russian Roulette !
And request to Fokus the King (F K) and few other Breeders from Little Kingdom (BLK) to play at maximum THEIR capacity with maximum attention and informations.
_English section,
Rabbits world,
Siberian Roulette
joi, 28 mai 2009
Cum stam cu PIB-u ? This is the question !
Apare o alta persoana cu numele INOCENTZIA de data asta chiar din micul regat al imparatiei de pe malul de Nord al TeleJiului care cu credulitate rostii cam asa :
Mai am un singur dor
sa nu ma lasati sa mor
pina ce nu particip la CAC-IB
Da, mai are P-IB.
Draga de ea...nu a aflat inca ca in tara asta jupuita de strainezi PIB-u e cam prabusit.
Adica ce incerca ia sa zica? Inocentzia zise cam asa ceva :
Singurul lucru pe care mi-l mai doresc de la viatza ( asta asa ca sunt Pleosteanca si doare orgoliu ) este sa avem si CAC-IB cu P-IB dar aici nu consider ca cineva este de vina ca nu P-IB-U a disparut. A fost o conjunctura nefericita care nu trebuia sa existe si tot ce vreau e, pe viitor conjunctia asta sa nu se mai repete.In rest....lumea merge inainte si urca-n sus, si fara sa o judec eu, cei care nu au verticalitate (si potentza as completa eu) nici nu o sa le "creasca" vreodata.
Da cum Napolion e Rabitz-Brider batran , vazu multe la viata lui inclusiv pe marele UNIC Conducator Dragodar cu care se batu acu 20 de ani , vreme de cativa ani in haiducie prin zona raului Sfantu Gheorghe in timp ce altii se numeau Mari Ministrii cu Kuru la caldurica, sa aibe acu unii sa-si bata joc de libertatea Asociatiilor de Rabbitari si sa zica acu ca era mai bine ATUNCI , ii raspunde Inocentziei cam asa:
Daca vrei P-ib-uri meri mata la Marea cea Neagra sau pe alte rauri si rauletze eventual unde-o intzarcat mutu armasaru ca acolo se da si double P-ib-uri (prietenii stiu de ce), si nu mai astepta sa vina indurarea pe raul TeleJiului ca TeleJiul nu va sta in loc din cursu-i liber din atata si decat o viatza Cioara mai bine o zi Vultur .
Si uite asa mari ochiu BigBoss cand vazu ce zise Napolion, se scarpina in paru-i plesuv si chema consiliu de razboi sa vada ce strategii mai nascocesc, ca de data asta dadura de draku cu armata lu Napolion formata din ultimii Rabiti ai marelui altadata Kingdom (vedea-i-ar impuscati) si ...un..Ciu-Ua-Ua cu nume infiorator.
Pentru prima parte clik aici .
Mai am un singur dor
sa nu ma lasati sa mor
pina ce nu particip la CAC-IB
Da, mai are P-IB.
Draga de ea...nu a aflat inca ca in tara asta jupuita de strainezi PIB-u e cam prabusit.
Adica ce incerca ia sa zica? Inocentzia zise cam asa ceva :
Singurul lucru pe care mi-l mai doresc de la viatza ( asta asa ca sunt Pleosteanca si doare orgoliu ) este sa avem si CAC-IB cu P-IB dar aici nu consider ca cineva este de vina ca nu P-IB-U a disparut. A fost o conjunctura nefericita care nu trebuia sa existe si tot ce vreau e, pe viitor conjunctia asta sa nu se mai repete.In rest....lumea merge inainte si urca-n sus, si fara sa o judec eu, cei care nu au verticalitate (si potentza as completa eu) nici nu o sa le "creasca" vreodata.
Da cum Napolion e Rabitz-Brider batran , vazu multe la viata lui inclusiv pe marele UNIC Conducator Dragodar cu care se batu acu 20 de ani , vreme de cativa ani in haiducie prin zona raului Sfantu Gheorghe in timp ce altii se numeau Mari Ministrii cu Kuru la caldurica, sa aibe acu unii sa-si bata joc de libertatea Asociatiilor de Rabbitari si sa zica acu ca era mai bine ATUNCI , ii raspunde Inocentziei cam asa:
Daca vrei P-ib-uri meri mata la Marea cea Neagra sau pe alte rauri si rauletze eventual unde-o intzarcat mutu armasaru ca acolo se da si double P-ib-uri (prietenii stiu de ce), si nu mai astepta sa vina indurarea pe raul TeleJiului ca TeleJiul nu va sta in loc din cursu-i liber din atata si decat o viatza Cioara mai bine o zi Vultur .
Si uite asa mari ochiu BigBoss cand vazu ce zise Napolion, se scarpina in paru-i plesuv si chema consiliu de razboi sa vada ce strategii mai nascocesc, ca de data asta dadura de draku cu armata lu Napolion formata din ultimii Rabiti ai marelui altadata Kingdom (vedea-i-ar impuscati) si ...un..Ciu-Ua-Ua cu nume infiorator.
Pentru prima parte clik aici .
Conduc maimutele,
Today Napolion renounce at politically problems and presente few old family pictures with him and his closed friends.
First pictures...one auto-portrait........painted 20 years ago
In second old picture from same years, first Napolion dobermann, because I forget to inform , First Napolion Rabbit was not one Rabbit. First Napolion Rabbit was one Dobermann. And first Napolion dobermann was one wolf.
In other picture Napolion is painted exactly when he atack the Unique Leader named Dragodar because I forget to inform you,in this period from Revolutionar years, don't exist liberty of Rabbits Breeders and Associations, in this period exist one unique System who controll all directions.
Personally Napolion don't have nothing bad against Dragodar, but because he represent one totalitar system , Napolion need to atack him when the system shut-down.
Why ? Because today to exist possibilities for actual prim-ministers to don't respect democracy and freedom .
In this picture appear Napolion first General.
In parantesis, Samurai Ronin try to destroy the truth. He say about Napolion was one traitor and make part from system. That is one LIE. No dear friends, Napolion never trait his ideals , he renounce at Vice-Presedency nobiliar title and start battle for freedom and he was hunted in this period near his dobermanns (before Rabbits he breed dobermanns) but he receive friends help, few of them from Sfantu Gheorghe.
After few years of long campaign , when he return in his free town, he found presidents and prim-ministers....Napolion don't talk too much about this old years.
But now he sees same MISERY around him and ,some time, other totalitar system adapted to the new conditions . Only OTHER FACE.
Today Napolion renounce at politically problems and presente few old family pictures with him and his closed friends.
First pictures...one auto-portrait........painted 20 years ago
In second old picture from same years, first Napolion dobermann, because I forget to inform , First Napolion Rabbit was not one Rabbit. First Napolion Rabbit was one Dobermann. And first Napolion dobermann was one wolf.
In other picture Napolion is painted exactly when he atack the Unique Leader named Dragodar because I forget to inform you,in this period from Revolutionar years, don't exist liberty of Rabbits Breeders and Associations, in this period exist one unique System who controll all directions.
Personally Napolion don't have nothing bad against Dragodar, but because he represent one totalitar system , Napolion need to atack him when the system shut-down.
Why ? Because today to exist possibilities for actual prim-ministers to don't respect democracy and freedom .
In this picture appear Napolion first General.
In parantesis, Samurai Ronin try to destroy the truth. He say about Napolion was one traitor and make part from system. That is one LIE. No dear friends, Napolion never trait his ideals , he renounce at Vice-Presedency nobiliar title and start battle for freedom and he was hunted in this period near his dobermanns (before Rabbits he breed dobermanns) but he receive friends help, few of them from Sfantu Gheorghe.
After few years of long campaign , when he return in his free town, he found presidents and prim-ministers....Napolion don't talk too much about this old years.
But now he sees same MISERY around him and ,some time, other totalitar system adapted to the new conditions . Only OTHER FACE.
miercuri, 27 mai 2009
Sfetnic bun
Cum Noaptea e un sfetnic bun, datorita cererii marite din ultima vreme , Napolion a reeditat titlul LUME LUME si va ureaza LECTURARE PLACUTA ! .
P.S. In tot acest rasimp, Lordul DUDAU receiveaza mailuri de la diversi indivizi si spera din inima sa primeasca unul si de la Napolion al nostru. Napolion il anunta le Lord DUDAU a receivat un comentariu la adresa sa. Il poate citi sub titlul "Dear Europule....."
P.S. In tot acest rasimp, Lordul DUDAU receiveaza mailuri de la diversi indivizi si spera din inima sa primeasca unul si de la Napolion al nostru. Napolion il anunta le Lord DUDAU a receivat un comentariu la adresa sa. Il poate citi sub titlul "Dear Europule....."
Conduc maimutele,
Policically Excusses,
Dear Europule.....
I think the DUDA family has trouble their blogs addresses .This happened when they have soo many things in common.Thus, the person called Lady Virgin write on Lord blog's an essay about "i" from "a" and corect ortography writen.
Personal I understand and I respect all maternal languages (even they are free to use their language in family, at school,in public, etc) , but exist voice who request autonomy and contest our national language.
We public thaks to this mans who was in past "revolutionaries" in time of our Kingdom revolution ( when foreign troops waiting at border country to 'help' us).
We public thanks to their 'help' .
Then, they have right when say this is their land because they come first here . Here is the proof of their comming.
But..to make one problem when somebody use "i" and don't use "i from a" .....this is STUPID again.
Let see if unique neuron can solve the national language problem , when is "i" and when is "i from a"?
I know, dear Európule, I recognize that I am Xenophob.
Personal I understand and I respect all maternal languages (even they are free to use their language in family, at school,in public, etc) , but exist voice who request autonomy and contest our national language.
We public thaks to this mans who was in past "revolutionaries" in time of our Kingdom revolution ( when foreign troops waiting at border country to 'help' us).
We public thanks to their 'help' .
Then, they have right when say this is their land because they come first here . Here is the proof of their comming.
But..to make one problem when somebody use "i" and don't use "i from a" .....this is STUPID again.
Let see if unique neuron can solve the national language problem , when is "i" and when is "i from a"?
I know, dear Európule, I recognize that I am Xenophob.
_English section,
_Other English News,
ADN-ul and Stupidity
NU MAI ARE 'ibu'
Uite asa suna un announcement.
Imediat carcotasii ZEI ai dreptatii si justitiei apar si incep comentariile.
Prima ..cica ...e prea scumpa taxa.Si incep vaicarelile.
Samurai intervine destept si informeaza puli-mea ca la Roma costa 25 $ concursu.
Ajutorul nu se lasa asteptat. Schelau a aparaut de nicaieri, ca Zeus din CERURI.
Schelau confirma inalta clasa de akolo cam asa: " Pai e Roma fratzie, acolo merita banu, nu ka aicia".
Cineva insa cu bun simt le raspunde cam asa ceva:
Eu cred ca exagerati, la Targoveti a costat cam cu 9.9 RON mai putin si nici nu au fost reduceri si nimeni nu a comentat nimik. Si nu au fost nici arbitrii straini pentru care platesti 9.9 RON in plus. Cui nu-i convine sa stea acasa.
The Samurai Ronin nu renunta usor. Doar e maestru in ale ruperii subtile de oase chiar daca si-a incasat-o deloc subtil de la maestrul DUDAU (cunoscut acolo sub falsul nume Dobermannul desi e doar un chiu-ua-ua). Da maestrul asta are o mare calitate, sa le inmoaie periodic oscioarele lu Samurai si Schelau . Din motivele astea il iubesc ca-n rest nu poci sa-l sufar intr-atat de nesuferit este. Azi spre exemplu critica AGCR (Asociatia Generala a Crescatorilor de Rabbiti) de cosmetizarea esecului. Zice ca :
Zice ca Big Boss zicea la o emisiune TV cum ca :
“Creştera Rabitzilor poate fi considerată în orice ţară ca un barometru atins de acel popor.”
De la chestia asta, Chiu-ua-ua care se crede Dobermann o ia serios pe aratura si ajunge la RDC -Rabbitz Democratic Club. El acuza-n gura mare ca RDC-ul are numar de Rabbitzi secret, sanatate secreta, titluri obtinute secrete, toate astea cu acceptul tacit a AGCR-ului care nu mai publica rezultatele. Dar despre rezultate se ocupa Lady DUDA , sotia individului .
Cica singurul lucru NE-secret este doar aroganta conducatorilor nostrii si unora dintre membrii. Invitatia finala este o renuntare la Secretomanie si spera ca aceasta sa inceteze odata cu masa festiva de dupa AG-AR (Adunarea Generala a Actionarilor de Rabbitzi) . Asteapta ! ca ce ai altceva de facut ?
Toata ziua sta si critica si abereaza Chiu-ua-ua dreptatii si da cu BigBosii si PrimMinistrii de pereti acuzandu-i de toare relele vrute si nevrute din imparatia Rabitzilor.
Intre paranteze fie spus, si cu asta basta cu acest subiect, Napolion invita in numle lui V. pe maestrul DUDAU la show la Ploisesti cu femeia si femela lui careia i-a promis protectie (ma refer la femela ca despre femeie cei din jurul ei trebuie sa se protejeze).
Inchid paranteza.
Revenind la firul fantasmagoriei noastre, The Samurai arunca sageata otravita:
"In locul vostru nu as fi asa nervos, acolo s-a intamplat prima oara ca un organizator sa fie si competitor.Prea sunteti cu barzaunu pe Sapca."
Suite asa Samuraiu cataloga si facu o apa si-un pamant toata Rabbitareala si Breedersi din vestitul oras situat pe malul estic al TeleJiului.
Ca la o comanda vrajita cometariul lui Schelau care poarta pecetea dreptatii aparu ca o sabie a luminii si fu numaidecat insusit de vechi cunostinte :"Acolo la voi la BIS castiga cine trebuie totdeauna. Auzi pe margine ca va castiga Rabbitzul lu vice-ministru.Ba parosu lu prim-ministru. Ba Rabbitzu lu ala care-l cheama V. , de parca ati fi in Patria Hotilor nu alta ! "
Asa cuvanta Schelau din rarunchii obositi si astepta cu urechea ciulita si ochi larg deschis la panda, sa vada cum isi fac efectul cuvintele mestesugit ca nimeni altu facute.
Da mai Schelau , asa e. Ala care-l cheama V. , eu Napolion , confirm , a tras sfori sa castige Fokus si-n rest numa Rabitii lui personali , vedei-ai impuscati pe totzi , sunt vinovati de toate nenorocirile si bolile din rasa si Kotonogeala (era sa zic kinologeala) din Kingdomul cu numele Romanica.
Degeaba apare organizatoarea si prezinta pe ultimul cincinal rezultatele BIS , mereu altele. Nici nu apuca bine sa insire castigatorii BIS din ultimii n-spe ani cand apare alt NOSTRADAMUS :
"Pariez ca stiu cine o sa castige BISanul asta la Plesesti"
Schema de razboi a Samuraiului Ronin functioneste impecabil, lumea prostita cere CIRC SI PAINE in timp ce prim-trezorierul Asociatiei de Rabbiti receiveaza pumnii in plina figura. Norocu lui e ca nu-i acolo ca sa-i simta .
Doar ca..atunci cand nimeni nu se astepta apare din vazduh o Amazoana care contrazice ca Samurai ar fi maestrul specialist in razboaie si prostire a creierului credulilor si inocentilor.
Ea, Amazoanca naimblanzita , zise cam asa :
Persoana despre care vorbesti a fost mazilita, prin grija personala a lu' BigBoss. Ptca BIG BOSS voia sa-l execute de multa vreme (ca fusese trezorier in imparatie si gasiste niscai muste pe borcanul cu miere.Asadar,CACIB-urile zburara de la Pleosesti in incercarea mestesugita ca va rascula pul-imea din mica imparatie de pe malul de Vest al TeleJiului si-i vor taia capul din interior spre exterior. Doar ca Big Boss a inteles ca nu-i suficient si au urmat sicane, suspendari unde-n tarca mutu iapa , abuzuri und s-agatza harta-n cui, amenintari, doar doar l-or pune pe sfetnicul sau pupincuristul lui Big Bos, in locul fostului Trezorier.Then...La adunare a venit preferatul , si s-a prezentat colegilor punindu-si la bataie reputatia dak e ales Prim-Ministru . Doar ca ai draku PLEOSENI de pe malu Sudic al TeleJiului au ales pe altcineva cu vechime de vre-o 25 de ani, un om care nu-l au nici o gasca la laba .Acest scenariu s-a aplicat tuturor Asociatiilor de pe malul Jiului , TeleJiului si Oltului pina pe maulul raului Sfantul Gheorghe (unde Napolion cunoscu in trecut OAMENI DREPTI) !
Conform spuselor Amazoancei - o tipa dragutza da nabadaioasa rau dealtfel - scapara doar aia de pe Nistru ca cica acolo altcineva domneste , dar despre asta vorbim altadata.
Cat despre Samurai cred ca o sa moara de ciuda ca isi pierde renumele de prim specialist in guerile si strategii de razboi.
Despre strategiile de razboi aplicate care prostesc pulimea Kingdomului Romanica, Napolion v-a vorbit si-n alte randuri, clik aici sa citesti de tehnicile de spalare a creierului.
Napolion ii intreaba doar atat pe TOTI: MA, NU VA E RUSINE ?
Pentru continuare , clik aici
NU MAI ARE 'ibu'
Uite asa suna un announcement.
Imediat carcotasii ZEI ai dreptatii si justitiei apar si incep comentariile.
Prima ..cica ...e prea scumpa taxa.Si incep vaicarelile.
Samurai intervine destept si informeaza puli-mea ca la Roma costa 25 $ concursu.
Ajutorul nu se lasa asteptat. Schelau a aparaut de nicaieri, ca Zeus din CERURI.
Schelau confirma inalta clasa de akolo cam asa: " Pai e Roma fratzie, acolo merita banu, nu ka aicia".
Cineva insa cu bun simt le raspunde cam asa ceva:
Eu cred ca exagerati, la Targoveti a costat cam cu 9.9 RON mai putin si nici nu au fost reduceri si nimeni nu a comentat nimik. Si nu au fost nici arbitrii straini pentru care platesti 9.9 RON in plus. Cui nu-i convine sa stea acasa.
The Samurai Ronin nu renunta usor. Doar e maestru in ale ruperii subtile de oase chiar daca si-a incasat-o deloc subtil de la maestrul DUDAU (cunoscut acolo sub falsul nume Dobermannul desi e doar un chiu-ua-ua). Da maestrul asta are o mare calitate, sa le inmoaie periodic oscioarele lu Samurai si Schelau . Din motivele astea il iubesc ca-n rest nu poci sa-l sufar intr-atat de nesuferit este. Azi spre exemplu critica AGCR (Asociatia Generala a Crescatorilor de Rabbiti) de cosmetizarea esecului. Zice ca :
Zice ca Big Boss zicea la o emisiune TV cum ca :
“Creştera Rabitzilor poate fi considerată în orice ţară ca un barometru atins de acel popor.”
De la chestia asta, Chiu-ua-ua care se crede Dobermann o ia serios pe aratura si ajunge la RDC -Rabbitz Democratic Club. El acuza-n gura mare ca RDC-ul are numar de Rabbitzi secret, sanatate secreta, titluri obtinute secrete, toate astea cu acceptul tacit a AGCR-ului care nu mai publica rezultatele. Dar despre rezultate se ocupa Lady DUDA , sotia individului .
Cica singurul lucru NE-secret este doar aroganta conducatorilor nostrii si unora dintre membrii. Invitatia finala este o renuntare la Secretomanie si spera ca aceasta sa inceteze odata cu masa festiva de dupa AG-AR (Adunarea Generala a Actionarilor de Rabbitzi) . Asteapta ! ca ce ai altceva de facut ?
Toata ziua sta si critica si abereaza Chiu-ua-ua dreptatii si da cu BigBosii si PrimMinistrii de pereti acuzandu-i de toare relele vrute si nevrute din imparatia Rabitzilor.
Intre paranteze fie spus, si cu asta basta cu acest subiect, Napolion invita in numle lui V. pe maestrul DUDAU la show la Ploisesti cu femeia si femela lui careia i-a promis protectie (ma refer la femela ca despre femeie cei din jurul ei trebuie sa se protejeze).
Inchid paranteza.
Revenind la firul fantasmagoriei noastre, The Samurai arunca sageata otravita:
"In locul vostru nu as fi asa nervos, acolo s-a intamplat prima oara ca un organizator sa fie si competitor.Prea sunteti cu barzaunu pe Sapca."
Suite asa Samuraiu cataloga si facu o apa si-un pamant toata Rabbitareala si Breedersi din vestitul oras situat pe malul estic al TeleJiului.
Ca la o comanda vrajita cometariul lui Schelau care poarta pecetea dreptatii aparu ca o sabie a luminii si fu numaidecat insusit de vechi cunostinte :"Acolo la voi la BIS castiga cine trebuie totdeauna. Auzi pe margine ca va castiga Rabbitzul lu vice-ministru.Ba parosu lu prim-ministru. Ba Rabbitzu lu ala care-l cheama V. , de parca ati fi in Patria Hotilor nu alta ! "
Asa cuvanta Schelau din rarunchii obositi si astepta cu urechea ciulita si ochi larg deschis la panda, sa vada cum isi fac efectul cuvintele mestesugit ca nimeni altu facute.
Da mai Schelau , asa e. Ala care-l cheama V. , eu Napolion , confirm , a tras sfori sa castige Fokus si-n rest numa Rabitii lui personali , vedei-ai impuscati pe totzi , sunt vinovati de toate nenorocirile si bolile din rasa si Kotonogeala (era sa zic kinologeala) din Kingdomul cu numele Romanica.
Degeaba apare organizatoarea si prezinta pe ultimul cincinal rezultatele BIS , mereu altele. Nici nu apuca bine sa insire castigatorii BIS din ultimii n-spe ani cand apare alt NOSTRADAMUS :
"Pariez ca stiu cine o sa castige BISanul asta la Plesesti"
Schema de razboi a Samuraiului Ronin functioneste impecabil, lumea prostita cere CIRC SI PAINE in timp ce prim-trezorierul Asociatiei de Rabbiti receiveaza pumnii in plina figura. Norocu lui e ca nu-i acolo ca sa-i simta .
Doar ca..atunci cand nimeni nu se astepta apare din vazduh o Amazoana care contrazice ca Samurai ar fi maestrul specialist in razboaie si prostire a creierului credulilor si inocentilor.
Ea, Amazoanca naimblanzita , zise cam asa :
Persoana despre care vorbesti a fost mazilita, prin grija personala a lu' BigBoss. Ptca BIG BOSS voia sa-l execute de multa vreme (ca fusese trezorier in imparatie si gasiste niscai muste pe borcanul cu miere.Asadar,CACIB-urile zburara de la Pleosesti in incercarea mestesugita ca va rascula pul-imea din mica imparatie de pe malul de Vest al TeleJiului si-i vor taia capul din interior spre exterior. Doar ca Big Boss a inteles ca nu-i suficient si au urmat sicane, suspendari unde-n tarca mutu iapa , abuzuri und s-agatza harta-n cui, amenintari, doar doar l-or pune pe sfetnicul sau pupincuristul lui Big Bos, in locul fostului Trezorier.Then...La adunare a venit preferatul , si s-a prezentat colegilor punindu-si la bataie reputatia dak e ales Prim-Ministru . Doar ca ai draku PLEOSENI de pe malu Sudic al TeleJiului au ales pe altcineva cu vechime de vre-o 25 de ani, un om care nu-l au nici o gasca la laba .Acest scenariu s-a aplicat tuturor Asociatiilor de pe malul Jiului , TeleJiului si Oltului pina pe maulul raului Sfantul Gheorghe (unde Napolion cunoscu in trecut OAMENI DREPTI) !
Conform spuselor Amazoancei - o tipa dragutza da nabadaioasa rau dealtfel - scapara doar aia de pe Nistru ca cica acolo altcineva domneste , dar despre asta vorbim altadata.
Cat despre Samurai cred ca o sa moara de ciuda ca isi pierde renumele de prim specialist in guerile si strategii de razboi.
Despre strategiile de razboi aplicate care prostesc pulimea Kingdomului Romanica, Napolion v-a vorbit si-n alte randuri, clik aici sa citesti de tehnicile de spalare a creierului.
Napolion ii intreaba doar atat pe TOTI: MA, NU VA E RUSINE ?
Pentru continuare , clik aici
ADN-ul si prostia,
Conduc maimutele,
marți, 26 mai 2009
Napolion receive indirecte thanks from Tasha owner because he defend his breeding.
Napolion inform on this way, not Tasha nor her owner is the source of bad things in this fantastic Kingdom . More that the source of bad things is afar by Kingdom and exist mans from Kingdom responsable when bring here the bad things or continue IMPERIAL POLITIC.
For this mans I will recall in memory Tovarisch memorable speach:
Today they(my note: B.Rabbits.B.) continnue to have puppys from celebrated studs who died by DKM (my note: DKM is one problem at brain who affect the legs and poor rabbit don't can run ). And nobody don't say nothing. But when one poor Moldovian (my note: this is one part from our imaginar Kimgdom) try to obtain one litter puppys, ALL shoot with all guns from any position.
Clik here to read entire TOVARISCH speach !
Napolion believe Tasha owner will be on the right side of battle. More that..Napolion have his plans , to rebuild fantastic Kingdom army, or for this Little Kingdom need powerful Tasha genes and Daciaio presence in puppy pedigree.
Unfortunately dear Rabbits Breeders of Little Kingdom (RBLK), based on Nostradamus infos, Napolion don't seen other way to avoid "their Circle" and we must to play Russian Roulette.
But Napolion thinking is possible to turn 'their Circle' in right direction . But for this need few KEYS.
Based on few directe infos, few present matings have chances to offer right KEYS.
Napolion inform on this way, not Tasha nor her owner is the source of bad things in this fantastic Kingdom . More that the source of bad things is afar by Kingdom and exist mans from Kingdom responsable when bring here the bad things or continue IMPERIAL POLITIC.
For this mans I will recall in memory Tovarisch memorable speach:
Today they(my note: B.Rabbits.B.) continnue to have puppys from celebrated studs who died by DKM (my note: DKM is one problem at brain who affect the legs and poor rabbit don't can run ). And nobody don't say nothing. But when one poor Moldovian (my note: this is one part from our imaginar Kimgdom) try to obtain one litter puppys, ALL shoot with all guns from any position.
Clik here to read entire TOVARISCH speach !
Napolion believe Tasha owner will be on the right side of battle. More that..Napolion have his plans , to rebuild fantastic Kingdom army, or for this Little Kingdom need powerful Tasha genes and Daciaio presence in puppy pedigree.
Unfortunately dear Rabbits Breeders of Little Kingdom (RBLK), based on Nostradamus infos, Napolion don't seen other way to avoid "their Circle" and we must to play Russian Roulette.
But Napolion thinking is possible to turn 'their Circle' in right direction . But for this need few KEYS.
Based on few directe infos, few present matings have chances to offer right KEYS.
_English section,
Siberian Roulette,
Lord DUDAU, hustband of Lady VIRGIN DUDA (Virgin is the new nobiliary name near family DUDA name) sign his last love letters to prim-minister with next words (here is the original text and Samurai picture ):
"Chiardacanuamtotidintisoriieusuntcampionul sau Displaziasalveazaromania"
In translation:
"EvenIdonothaveallteethIamthechampion and DisplaziasaveRomania"
I do not understand why Lord say if prim-minister of Kingdom will be the same , next year the national show will be organised ...at...in Capital of other Kingdom...
Is clear, prim-minister have right, Lord DUDAU is Xenofob !
In this time..lady Virgin , after she consider rabbits one extincted race (clik here to see original text ) acusse prim minister he make laws for others when he never don't pass one working exam himself.
Is clear, Lady Virgin is one Xenofob woman TOO !
About what happened now I have only two words: IS STUPID !
I think is time to become more constructive , to prove maturity , asum errors and get right decisions and SOLVE problems from our poor breed.
"Chiardacanuamtotidintisoriieusuntcampionul sau Displaziasalveazaromania"
In translation:
"EvenIdonothaveallteethIamthechampion and DisplaziasaveRomania"
I do not understand why Lord say if prim-minister of Kingdom will be the same , next year the national show will be organised ...at...in Capital of other Kingdom...
Is clear, prim-minister have right, Lord DUDAU is Xenofob !
In this time..lady Virgin , after she consider rabbits one extincted race (clik here to see original text ) acusse prim minister he make laws for others when he never don't pass one working exam himself.
Is clear, Lady Virgin is one Xenofob woman TOO !
About what happened now I have only two words: IS STUPID !
I think is time to become more constructive , to prove maturity , asum errors and get right decisions and SOLVE problems from our poor breed.
_English section,
Policically Excusses,
Rabbits world
luni, 25 mai 2009
BMGsmille say :
I do not think we can begin to say a line is healthy or not because we will never the true story of how the ancestors died. There are to many variables and one of the most important is that we learn from our mistakes and things progress as a natural order of life just as things die as a natural order of life. After all we have learned things that are bad for us and yet we still do it for me it is smoking but yet I still do it and we still continue to breed
Bmgsmille ,
believe me, Raimbow Bridge don't exist in reality. In reality they died youngs and this is NOT soo nice.....In reality when one creature died, he can eliminate urine even he was champion !
Nothing GREAT ....such many try to say
What we can do now ? Not soo much...unfortunately.
But the truth must to be sayed and responsable mans for actual system must to PAY their errors.
Bmgsmille ,
believe me, Raimbow Bridge don't exist in reality. In reality they died youngs and this is NOT soo nice.....In reality when one creature died, he can eliminate urine even he was champion !
Nothing GREAT ....such many try to say
What we can do now ? Not soo much...unfortunately.
But the truth must to be sayed and responsable mans for actual system must to PAY their errors.
_English section,
Policically Excusses,
Rabbits world
Louis Dobermann speech
After long time , is turn of Louis Dobermann to say one memorable speech :
"I am curious whether we can save our beautiful Dobermanns by using the upmost healthy studs. Although I think it's almost impossible I would like to hear suggestions about those kind of studs. So no ancestors in the line that have died from DMC, no DH in the line (at least not over DH-2 /B) and best possible wWD and PhTvL/PhpV. If such a stud exist we might have a genetic key to improve the breed, if not we can slowly see our beloved Dobermann become less and less old.... Statistics prove we are already on this road to nowhere....."
Wawww...."genetic keys"....
Where I hear this words ? sound familiar for me ! But Napolion must to inform Louis Dobermann , not soo many breeders are ready to use 'genetical keys' .
Then..even few Breeders from Rabbits World are AWAKEN , the sleeping is loooonnnggggg !
Then Napolion wish to them : GOOD SLEEPING ! sorry if disturbing !
"I am curious whether we can save our beautiful Dobermanns by using the upmost healthy studs. Although I think it's almost impossible I would like to hear suggestions about those kind of studs. So no ancestors in the line that have died from DMC, no DH in the line (at least not over DH-2 /B) and best possible wWD and PhTvL/PhpV. If such a stud exist we might have a genetic key to improve the breed, if not we can slowly see our beloved Dobermann become less and less old.... Statistics prove we are already on this road to nowhere....."
Wawww...."genetic keys"....
Where I hear this words ? sound familiar for me ! But Napolion must to inform Louis Dobermann , not soo many breeders are ready to use 'genetical keys' .
Then..even few Breeders from Rabbits World are AWAKEN , the sleeping is loooonnnggggg !
Then Napolion wish to them : GOOD SLEEPING ! sorry if disturbing !
Daily news
Daily news : "The 200 people who were marching under the flag of homosexuality in our Capital , had led by politicians and diplomats. But not Romanians : the British, French, Swedish, Dutch and other nationalities."
Napolion say to this 'mans' who make world politic to STOP learn our childrens that is normal. Yes, that is normal for Monkeys.
Napolion say to this 'mans' who make world politic to STOP learn our childrens that is normal. Yes, that is normal for Monkeys.
_Other English News,
Conduc maimutele,
The Lord SPEECH !
The Lord DUDAU , who think he is God of Justice make one memorable speech !
"To agitators who write on my mail: I sense one big pain in my back about man who you elect president of RDC -Rabbits Democratic Cloub.
I was not , I am not and I never will be RDC member ; I did not choose and I not choose and I will not choose the president RDC.
In what I write, i do not support anyone, for any variant known consider equally damaging for Romanian Rabbits Race (RRR).
So not bored me more with your mails"
Lord DUDAU , who is in your opinion best RDC pressident except YOU,of course ?
In my opinion, the man capable to understand problems from one existential moment and make adequate changes ,
-no matter who it is -
this person is adequate to lead at one moment !
Then..let's wish SUCCES to all competitors .
"To agitators who write on my mail: I sense one big pain in my back about man who you elect president of RDC -Rabbits Democratic Cloub.
I was not , I am not and I never will be RDC member ; I did not choose and I not choose and I will not choose the president RDC.
In what I write, i do not support anyone, for any variant known consider equally damaging for Romanian Rabbits Race (RRR).
So not bored me more with your mails"
Lord DUDAU , who is in your opinion best RDC pressident except YOU,of course ?
In my opinion, the man capable to understand problems from one existential moment and make adequate changes ,
-no matter who it is -
this person is adequate to lead at one moment !
Then..let's wish SUCCES to all competitors .
_English section,
Policically Excusses,
Rabbits world
duminică, 24 mai 2009
Long lived
One nice man -but new in our Rabbits world , named Bigsmille public ask :
I asked what determines a healthy line not just a healthy Rabbit.
Napolion will responde with his words from one anterior post :
A long-lived Rabbit :
Long lived Rabbits come from Rabbits who died early and short lived Rabbits have came from Rabbits that lived long.
With other words, long lived Rabbits pass Russian Roulette. But in this game, at every more shooting , poor Rabbits introduce one more bulett.
If you don't understand yet, please clik here .
One long lived line comme from long lived parents, grand-parents, grand-grand-parents.
I hope now is clear and for World Rabbits Politicians.
I asked what determines a healthy line not just a healthy Rabbit.
Napolion will responde with his words from one anterior post :
A long-lived Rabbit :
Long lived Rabbits come from Rabbits who died early and short lived Rabbits have came from Rabbits that lived long.
With other words, long lived Rabbits pass Russian Roulette. But in this game, at every more shooting , poor Rabbits introduce one more bulett.
If you don't understand yet, please clik here .
One long lived line comme from long lived parents, grand-parents, grand-grand-parents.
I hope now is clear and for World Rabbits Politicians.
vineri, 22 mai 2009
The Mirror
For grotesque Lord who thinks he is God of Justice and his faithful Virgin whife , Napolion inform him, they have one FANTASTIC fun.
The fun is maximum in this NEW WORLD with mans who thinking are God of Justice like Lord DUDAU , or his whife Virgin Maria DUDA , or Schelau the African Impala husband, who always try to cover the history and truth with dirty words and dirty coups, to the preferred prime minister of the King of Kingdom ; agresive Boxer-mans (we will presente soon) or mans who thinking they are Samurai and war specialists....
One world with poor rabbits , with great Judges who howl when they judge poor Rabbits or Big International Rabbits Breeders and Judges and Prim-Ministers, one world based by VANITY .
Then I say to all this mans , welcole every day to the MIRROR .
The fun is maximum in this NEW WORLD with mans who thinking are God of Justice like Lord DUDAU , or his whife Virgin Maria DUDA , or Schelau the African Impala husband, who always try to cover the history and truth with dirty words and dirty coups, to the preferred prime minister of the King of Kingdom ; agresive Boxer-mans (we will presente soon) or mans who thinking they are Samurai and war specialists....
One world with poor rabbits , with great Judges who howl when they judge poor Rabbits or Big International Rabbits Breeders and Judges and Prim-Ministers, one world based by VANITY .
Then I say to all this mans , welcole every day to the MIRROR .
_English section,
Policically Excusses,
Rabbits world
joi, 21 mai 2009
Rabbits race I
In this world of rabbits, longevity does not mean anything, the 'reproductores' are changing rapidly.
Every year the Big International Rabbits Show or Big National Rabbits Shows choose the new 'reproducatores'. Thus, each year the race is launching Rabbits females to born puppys with the last choiced 'reproductore'.
No matter who it is, what his blood-line is and how is longevity. Important is to be B.I.R.S. or B.N.R.S. winner.
Thus there are rabbits in whose pedigree are starting to Guide of Frankie-host all winners from each year even few of them give 'the corner' after they won.
For example .... and what they make in the time of race ....Napolion will say to you another time ....
Every year the Big International Rabbits Show or Big National Rabbits Shows choose the new 'reproducatores'. Thus, each year the race is launching Rabbits females to born puppys with the last choiced 'reproductore'.
No matter who it is, what his blood-line is and how is longevity. Important is to be B.I.R.S. or B.N.R.S. winner.
Thus there are rabbits in whose pedigree are starting to Guide of Frankie-host all winners from each year even few of them give 'the corner' after they won.
For example .... and what they make in the time of race ....Napolion will say to you another time ....
_English section,
Rabbits world
New Breeding way
Napolion presente one new 'reproductore' PABLITO with Royal blood (clik on pict to enlarge). One reproductore with DH-A , without stomachal torsion and presente all tooths, 14 years (or more) longevity. Incredible.
_English section,
Rabbits world
Monkeys or Mans , Homo or Normals ? IV
The European Parliament resolution adopted on 14 ianurie 2009 forces Romanian state to recognize homosexual marriage or couples having a civil partnership in other European countries or to legalise drogs consume.
The resolution, initiated by comunist Italian Euro-parliamentarian Giusto Catania, says that homosexual marriage or pairs recorded in an EU country must be recognized and the home country (clik here to read in Romanian language) . Practically, this means that two Romanian gay "married" in Spain will be recognized as such and in Romania.
This Resolution is a victory of gay activists in the process to force the EU to implement a pro-gay legislation across the European Union.
How do you reactionate if in one day your child will say he is Homosexual or he get drogs ?
Saturday May 23, at 11:00, in front of the Romanian Atheneum, will be one legal meeting for all Romanians who wish to live and to grow childrens into a normal country! Romania is not Sodoma!
Then I ask :
EUROPA is SODOMA and Europeans are drogated monkeys?
The WORLD is SODOMA and humans are drogated monkeys?
This mean Unique Mondial Gouvern ?
What decisions get Bilderberg group at Athena this year ?
This is the New World Order ?
Then ,
Is time to saw to this MONKEYS who lead world with their money and make laws for humans - THIS IS ROMANIA and peace will no be what time monkeys lead the humans !
The resolution, initiated by comunist Italian Euro-parliamentarian Giusto Catania, says that homosexual marriage or pairs recorded in an EU country must be recognized and the home country (clik here to read in Romanian language) . Practically, this means that two Romanian gay "married" in Spain will be recognized as such and in Romania.
This Resolution is a victory of gay activists in the process to force the EU to implement a pro-gay legislation across the European Union.
How do you reactionate if in one day your child will say he is Homosexual or he get drogs ?
Saturday May 23, at 11:00, in front of the Romanian Atheneum, will be one legal meeting for all Romanians who wish to live and to grow childrens into a normal country! Romania is not Sodoma!
Then I ask :
EUROPA is SODOMA and Europeans are drogated monkeys?
The WORLD is SODOMA and humans are drogated monkeys?
This mean Unique Mondial Gouvern ?
What decisions get Bilderberg group at Athena this year ?
This is the New World Order ?
Then ,
Is time to saw to this MONKEYS who lead world with their money and make laws for humans - THIS IS ROMANIA and peace will no be what time monkeys lead the humans !
miercuri, 20 mai 2009
Database again
Database RETURN.
But this time not lady Duda. Now is turn of our LORD DUDAU .
What he say now ?
You can see here ( clik in this link ) the original message and you can translate in English or Italian language ussing next Google link (clik here to launch) or use next adress : http://translate.google.com/#
In few words, LORD talk about one database maked by clinique where one Doctorre work and he say he don't have trust in this database especial because he don't have trust in this Doctorre .
About his preferance about one Doctorre or other..I don't comment.
In normal mode, all informations and efforts are welcomed ! But he don't have trust in NOTHING. Now , one simple matematics.
How many studs and reproductive females are breeded here ?10? 30 ? 90 ? From them, how much will arrive at this particular clinique ?3 ? 10? 30 ?
Let say 110%.
Then our Lord can talk about one database with 100 records ? For this need computer ? I love Lord jokes after he contest one database with 60.000 records or 600.000 records like VD public database ? ha ha ha
In normal mode, all informations and efforts are welcomed !
But this time not lady Duda. Now is turn of our LORD DUDAU .
What he say now ?
You can see here ( clik in this link ) the original message and you can translate in English or Italian language ussing next Google link (clik here to launch) or use next adress : http://translate.google.com/#
In few words, LORD talk about one database maked by clinique where one Doctorre work and he say he don't have trust in this database especial because he don't have trust in this Doctorre .
About his preferance about one Doctorre or other..I don't comment.
In normal mode, all informations and efforts are welcomed ! But he don't have trust in NOTHING. Now , one simple matematics.
How many studs and reproductive females are breeded here ?10? 30 ? 90 ? From them, how much will arrive at this particular clinique ?3 ? 10? 30 ?
Let say 110%.
Then our Lord can talk about one database with 100 records ? For this need computer ? I love Lord jokes after he contest one database with 60.000 records or 600.000 records like VD public database ? ha ha ha
In normal mode, all informations and efforts are welcomed !
Monkeys or Mans -who was first ? II
In time when Romania show the first European MODERN HUMMANS bones, one monkey was discovered and specialist say she have some human traits.....
Some ' leaders ' insist that they come from monkeys and they are first over entire world . When they behave like a monkey then exist one scientific explanation.
Others say they are part of eukaryotes, reign Animalia, sub-reign Eumetazoa, filum cordata, sub-filum vertebrate Mamalia class, sub-class There, the order Primate, superfamilia Hominoida family Hominide, sub-family Hominine, Hominin tribe, sub-tribe Hominina, genus Homo, species Homo-Sapiens, Europoida race.
But we say simply: We are Romanians, borned from Dacians ,Tracians and some Romans.
THEN, to conclude once forever who colonize first this land, probable others because Romanians are here by 40.000 (yes, thousands) years back, just as oldest discovered bones of modern humans in Europe show .
Others say they are part of eukaryotes, reign Animalia, sub-reign Eumetazoa, filum cordata, sub-filum vertebrate Mamalia class, sub-class There, the order Primate, superfamilia Hominoida family Hominide, sub-family Hominine, Hominin tribe, sub-tribe Hominina, genus Homo, species Homo-Sapiens, Europoida race.
But we say simply: We are Romanians, borned from Dacians ,Tracians and some Romans.
THEN, to conclude once forever who colonize first this land, probable others because Romanians are here by 40.000 (yes, thousands) years back, just as oldest discovered bones of modern humans in Europe show .
_Other English News,
Conduc maimutele,
marți, 19 mai 2009
Samurai RETURN
Napolion decide to offer 10000 RAB (money from Rabbit Kingdom) for man who can prove he is the Samurai personage from our story.
Yesterday , one man named Coman Vlad, one young man by 20 years ( clik here to see Coman Vlad profile ) announce HE is our great Samurai and request the money and after that to OUT from our fantastic STORY.
Now I presente one paparazzi picture with man who thinking he is SAMURAI !
Coman Vlad , clik here to see this man paparazzi picture .
Or..before to name the WINNER , Napolion request evidences and official identity pappers, and make some searchings .
The surprise appear : in picture is not the real Coman Vlad: clik here too see the result
Then...with regreat ....crazy mans confuse real life with our fantastic story.
The competition remaining open !
Yesterday , one man named Coman Vlad, one young man by 20 years ( clik here to see Coman Vlad profile ) announce HE is our great Samurai and request the money and after that to OUT from our fantastic STORY.
Now I presente one paparazzi picture with man who thinking he is SAMURAI !
Coman Vlad , clik here to see this man paparazzi picture .
Or..before to name the WINNER , Napolion request evidences and official identity pappers, and make some searchings .
The surprise appear : in picture is not the real Coman Vlad: clik here too see the result
Then...with regreat ....crazy mans confuse real life with our fantastic story.
The competition remaining open !
_English section,
ADN-ul and Stupidity,
Rabbits world
...only one time god-father seen the...sex
The Lady DUDA public message to All Breeders (aproximative translation original here ):
"All of you will go useless/for gratis dinner /to revote your lovable prim-minister/to pay judgeshonorarium...in rest..no chances..all of you are soo stupid to understand the teatral concurance.
Maybe you will say I am fully by envy.because I don't obtained diplomas.
But the question is : What DEVIL (God, please pardon me) I can make with this diploma ?
And for me don't exist more offence that somebody consider me near elite of Big Rabbits Kingdom Breeders .
Other will say I don't have soo good 'reproductore female'. To them I can say, my new female come from one Big European Kennel, she has pedigree but you never will seen her in one show from little Kingdom. Why ?
because we have one word: only one time god-father seen the ......sex ( I don't know in translation ) of his God-daughter. "
Sure, Napolion is too smart to don't understand (regarding her qualities , body strong structure, head tipicity and ears profile) from who comme the new Duda Family young female.
But become clear, this female don't have any reproductive future in this Kingdom.
Then, because Napolion like this female and because rabbits must to be out from politically problems, he decide in future will protect this female.
Then, if LORD is smart and have more that 1 unique neuron, will try directly the ZTP in one country afar by little Kingdom......and afar by personal preferances and vanity.
"All of you will go useless/for gratis dinner /to revote your lovable prim-minister/to pay judgeshonorarium...in rest..no chances..all of you are soo stupid to understand the teatral concurance.
Maybe you will say I am fully by envy.because I don't obtained diplomas.
But the question is : What DEVIL (God, please pardon me) I can make with this diploma ?
And for me don't exist more offence that somebody consider me near elite of Big Rabbits Kingdom Breeders .
Other will say I don't have soo good 'reproductore female'. To them I can say, my new female come from one Big European Kennel, she has pedigree but you never will seen her in one show from little Kingdom. Why ?
because we have one word: only one time god-father seen the ......sex ( I don't know in translation ) of his God-daughter. "
Sure, Napolion is too smart to don't understand (regarding her qualities , body strong structure, head tipicity and ears profile) from who comme the new Duda Family young female.
But become clear, this female don't have any reproductive future in this Kingdom.
Then, because Napolion like this female and because rabbits must to be out from politically problems, he decide in future will protect this female.
Then, if LORD is smart and have more that 1 unique neuron, will try directly the ZTP in one country afar by little Kingdom......and afar by personal preferances and vanity.
_English section,
Rabbits world
Answer to lady DUDA riddle
Lady DUDA ask regarding his new female :
"Little BABBY, why you have the ears soo longs and egual cuted ? He he, the friends know why."
And Napolion know too.
In comparation first Rabbit , named Lord of Wisky , when his short ears was corected by El Doctorre Fokus in one second intervention ,
the breeder cut corectly long ears from first step and because he have one GENETICALLY GOOD CARTILAGE she don't need one second intervention to corect bad ears.
Then don't have sense to acusse El Doctorre because he try to corect bad ears .
This can happened to anyone , inclusive to Napolion friend V. at one Fokus female, long time ago........
"Little BABBY, why you have the ears soo longs and egual cuted ? He he, the friends know why."
And Napolion know too.
In comparation first Rabbit , named Lord of Wisky , when his short ears was corected by El Doctorre Fokus in one second intervention ,
the breeder cut corectly long ears from first step and because he have one GENETICALLY GOOD CARTILAGE she don't need one second intervention to corect bad ears.
Then don't have sense to acusse El Doctorre because he try to corect bad ears .
This can happened to anyone , inclusive to Napolion friend V. at one Fokus female, long time ago........
Become clear, Karma exist and works.
He he, the "friends" know why.
_English section,
Rabbits world
Announcement towards LORD
Napolion announcement towards LORD DUDAU :
Today We receive news from Italy .
Then...this is response at Lord questions about Citro Pedigree and Karma.
In few days the pedigree will be here.
THEN Citro is not one "No Name ' -how LORD public say , he is one Daciaos. Citro have one good Karma .
Thank you Lord by your CARE !
Today We receive news from Italy .
Then...this is response at Lord questions about Citro Pedigree and Karma.
In few days the pedigree will be here.
THEN Citro is not one "No Name ' -how LORD public say , he is one Daciaos. Citro have one good Karma .
Thank you Lord by your CARE !
_English section,
luni, 18 mai 2009
New picture with Napolion Coca-Cola .
He must to ANNOUNCE the mans who recommand to rennounce at dobermanns and breed birds this is one very expansive job too.
He must to ANNOUNCE the mans who recommand to rennounce at dobermanns and breed birds this is one very expansive job too.
ANNOUNCEMENT : Napolion offer to donate two Hamsters from Guineea Pigs race .
_English section,
Rabbits world
Napolion problem
Napolion have one big problem. His little hamster is not one hamster.
His little hamster is one Guineea PIG puppy and he will grow BIGGG.
THEN Napolion must to announce mans who recommand to renounce to breed dobermanns, and breed hamsters , this is one VERY COMPLICATE THING !
His little hamster is one Guineea PIG puppy and he will grow BIGGG.
THEN Napolion must to announce mans who recommand to renounce to breed dobermanns, and breed hamsters , this is one VERY COMPLICATE THING !
_English section,
Rabbits world
duminică, 17 mai 2009
The LORD BIG dream !
The LORD BIG dream is to receive one mail from NAPOLION. This wish is verry strong.
Now, he believe again he receive one mail from Napolion:
" Even is one nice weather , nobody don't make Napolion to go out from his monitor, and he endure over 30 degree Celsius and bomb me with his mails."
Dear Lord, Napolion have one nice garden at his home and yesterday he go at his beautiful home from the middle of nature in one place where Wolfs lived with true before stupid monkeys destroy their habitat. But this place remaining wild .
Today he tortured me with one letter regarding who will win the RDC (Rabbits Democratic Club) election : Sapca or Relasp .In his opinion this two have best chances.
"Bai Napolioane" , if is true, what is my bussines with that ? I don't care. I think witchever will be choiced , will be the same big cheese . But I will regreat if I will remaining without Sapca because he is my preferable game .
SWEET DREAMS dear Lord, SWEET DREAMS if you think you receive one mail from Napolion. But Napolion think somebody play with your unique neuron.
BECAUSE my dear Lord, I promiss you I will responde here at yours problems and I keep my word.
Is not my bussines who will win the RDC (Rabbits Democratic Club) election . If Sapca remaining prim-minister , I do not know if will exist politically will to change and restructured the little Kingdom ussing Roman Legions structure and apply Germaks procedures in FREE mode !
BECAUSE the Kingdom need structural changes and Relasp talk in direction to clarify rules , keep pedigrees free even will be marked (I hope in positive mode not inverse like today ) and apply free selection , THEN, maybe he will try to change the things...who know...?
In last period he understand more good the problems, but I don't know if he have necesar flexibility and diplomacy to solve all problems.
In parantesis we can say, Prim-Minister Sapca have diplomacy and avoid in this mode real problems .
THEN I think the King of the Kingdom can sugest any Prim-minister he want but must to thinking well at this problems and doubled vice-presedency with one very flexible man like senator Bucurus Adrianus ( who prove inteligence& equilibrum in last years) and keep in fuction actual senator of Hofmania region.
More that, one president can sugest BUT he can't decide alone.
THEN the new breeding direction and strategy must to be voted in Rabbits Democratic Club General Meeting (RDC-GM) .
If General Meeting pass without approval strategy after members vote , then is possible all things to remaining unchanged. I don't know if somebody will be capable to presente one strategy , to convince and obtain member vote.
THIS is very probable to don't happened.
I hope dear Lord, now you understand , other GRAY EMINENCE than me offer you the HONNOR to play with your unique neuron in the mail.
Or maybe is the war & strategy specialist hand, because he is ready to change his master like one true Samurai. The last news say HE is ready to participate at RDC prim-minister election .I heard he make public his picture under alias "Coman Vlad". I wish succes to him at next elections.
P.S. In comparattion with me , your faithful whife Lady DUDA, cry in his blog about misserable public place where you pass this weekend in "the middle of nature".
Now, he believe again he receive one mail from Napolion:
" Even is one nice weather , nobody don't make Napolion to go out from his monitor, and he endure over 30 degree Celsius and bomb me with his mails."
Dear Lord, Napolion have one nice garden at his home and yesterday he go at his beautiful home from the middle of nature in one place where Wolfs lived with true before stupid monkeys destroy their habitat. But this place remaining wild .
Today he tortured me with one letter regarding who will win the RDC (Rabbits Democratic Club) election : Sapca or Relasp .In his opinion this two have best chances.
"Bai Napolioane" , if is true, what is my bussines with that ? I don't care. I think witchever will be choiced , will be the same big cheese . But I will regreat if I will remaining without Sapca because he is my preferable game .
SWEET DREAMS dear Lord, SWEET DREAMS if you think you receive one mail from Napolion. But Napolion think somebody play with your unique neuron.
BECAUSE my dear Lord, I promiss you I will responde here at yours problems and I keep my word.
Is not my bussines who will win the RDC (Rabbits Democratic Club) election . If Sapca remaining prim-minister , I do not know if will exist politically will to change and restructured the little Kingdom ussing Roman Legions structure and apply Germaks procedures in FREE mode !
BECAUSE the Kingdom need structural changes and Relasp talk in direction to clarify rules , keep pedigrees free even will be marked (I hope in positive mode not inverse like today ) and apply free selection , THEN, maybe he will try to change the things...who know...?
In last period he understand more good the problems, but I don't know if he have necesar flexibility and diplomacy to solve all problems.
In parantesis we can say, Prim-Minister Sapca have diplomacy and avoid in this mode real problems .
THEN I think the King of the Kingdom can sugest any Prim-minister he want but must to thinking well at this problems and doubled vice-presedency with one very flexible man like senator Bucurus Adrianus ( who prove inteligence& equilibrum in last years) and keep in fuction actual senator of Hofmania region.
More that, one president can sugest BUT he can't decide alone.
THEN the new breeding direction and strategy must to be voted in Rabbits Democratic Club General Meeting (RDC-GM) .
If General Meeting pass without approval strategy after members vote , then is possible all things to remaining unchanged. I don't know if somebody will be capable to presente one strategy , to convince and obtain member vote.
THIS is very probable to don't happened.
I hope dear Lord, now you understand , other GRAY EMINENCE than me offer you the HONNOR to play with your unique neuron in the mail.
Or maybe is the war & strategy specialist hand, because he is ready to change his master like one true Samurai. The last news say HE is ready to participate at RDC prim-minister election .I heard he make public his picture under alias "Coman Vlad". I wish succes to him at next elections.
P.S. In comparattion with me , your faithful whife Lady DUDA, cry in his blog about misserable public place where you pass this weekend in "the middle of nature".
_English section,
Policically Excusses
New Napolion breeding
New Napolion member family and the new breeding way.
(clik on pict to enlarge ). Very sweet and smart.
In 3 hours she learn the entire alphabet .
The Napolion rotwaillers enter in shock crisis when they meet Rabbits, Hamsters and ..... CoCa-Cola- the Parrot female.
The Coca-Cola love to be free, the cage is too small and Napolion must to buy one more large cage but he don't find any cage at little shop METROU (unique open sunday) .
More that, Coca-Cola show native hard bitting directly in the nose of her guardian - rotwailler .That happened with true.
(clik on pict to enlarge ). Very sweet and smart.
In 3 hours she learn the entire alphabet .
The Napolion rotwaillers enter in shock crisis when they meet Rabbits, Hamsters and ..... CoCa-Cola- the Parrot female.
The Coca-Cola love to be free, the cage is too small and Napolion must to buy one more large cage but he don't find any cage at little shop METROU (unique open sunday) .
More that, Coca-Cola show native hard bitting directly in the nose of her guardian - rotwailler .That happened with true.
_English section,
sâmbătă, 16 mai 2009
The Advertising of dead !
Herre, Papparrazzi catch Lady DUDA in picture , exactly after she presente his FUR COAT and she make Advertising ussing beautiful words !!!
This GRAT CHAMPION never will died , his COAT remaining with me FOREVER !! and she continne fully by faithful and respect for breed : RIP
When one champion dead, even prove he was affected by disease and because his NUMEROUSE PROGENY his line become one danger for breed, I seen apalusses and many beautiful words "Bye-Bye" , "Raimbow-bridge", etc. After that, many politically excusses !
And Herre, Papparazzi catch faithful Lord DUDAU exactly when he say :
At final the faithful LORD DUDAU say with DIGNITY : RIP
In paralel, by long time, thausandth longevive Rabbits dissapear in silence and nobody say something.
This is the inverse world where poor Rabbits live !
P.S. One little problem for you: This time THE CHOICE WILL NOT BE YOURS ! You can only to shoot fast.
This GRAT CHAMPION never will died , his COAT remaining with me FOREVER !! and she continne fully by faithful and respect for breed : RIP
When one champion dead, even prove he was affected by disease and because his NUMEROUSE PROGENY his line become one danger for breed, I seen apalusses and many beautiful words "Bye-Bye" , "Raimbow-bridge", etc. After that, many politically excusses !
And Herre, Papparazzi catch faithful Lord DUDAU exactly when he say :
At final the faithful LORD DUDAU say with DIGNITY : RIP
In paralel, by long time, thausandth longevive Rabbits dissapear in silence and nobody say something.
This is the inverse world where poor Rabbits live !
P.S. One little problem for you: This time THE CHOICE WILL NOT BE YOURS ! You can only to shoot fast.
_English section,
Policically Excusses
We will presente soon V. - the Napolion friend, because we forget to presente this controversate personage . Is hard to understand how is possible two different races breeders can be friends.
Napolion friend, like very much one female and her pedigree. His name is Dasha. Napolion talk with V. about this subject and don't understand why V. like soo much this young female. clik here to see his pedigree Maybe in one day V. will explain. But now is too soon.
Let's wait !
Napolion friend, like very much one female and her pedigree. His name is Dasha. Napolion talk with V. about this subject and don't understand why V. like soo much this young female. clik here to see his pedigree Maybe in one day V. will explain. But now is too soon.
Let's wait !
_English section,
RIP Nistor De Zoxferi at 10 years age.
Many say 10 years is very good age and represent the maximum. That is false. No, is not.
This is MINIMUM.
Many say 10 years is very good age and represent the maximum. That is false. No, is not.
This is MINIMUM.
_English section,
vineri, 15 mai 2009
What is tragically..is when Real personages from Real life recognise and confuse himself with clones from this imaginar story ........!
If somebody recognise himself or confuse real actions in this imaginar story,..then...i can say only: " POOR BREED " !
If somebody recognise himself or confuse real actions in this imaginar story,..then...i can say only: " POOR BREED " !
_English section,
Rabbits world
Napolion breeding II
Maybe many of you ask himself why Napolion breed Hamsters ans Rabbits and the little Napolion kingdom is named 'Dobermann land ' ?? Simply ! Because ..the legend says...at the begining ...Napolion first Rabbits was one Dobermann and first Napolion dobermann was one WOLF ! Then..Napolion love from begining the WOLFS!
Because few Big Breeders suggest what Big Rabbits Generals of Imperial Forces (BRG-IF) command to try other races : Hamsters ,Fishs & Birds, Napolion execute and I presente the new Napolion breeding - clik here to see 'reproductores'.
If this command don't come from Big Rabbits Generals of Imperial Forces (BRG-IF) THEN WHAT they make to STOP this ?!
News: The confirmation appear exactly 5 minutes ago, when Napolion receive visit of one breeder who renounce after tragically dead of his female and he come to Napolion to see his breeding. Because I forget to say..Napolion have friends, but mans by character !
Napolion joke when his friend say he like the young Napolion female : " I can offer you one Rabbits when I will have puppys" . Napolion friend responde : "I do not need other Rabbit, all mans renounce to Rabbits and I know mans who try to sell 4 years old Rabbits. Too much problems in this race ! ".
Because few Big Breeders suggest what Big Rabbits Generals of Imperial Forces (BRG-IF) command to try other races : Hamsters ,Fishs & Birds, Napolion execute and I presente the new Napolion breeding - clik here to see 'reproductores'.
If this command don't come from Big Rabbits Generals of Imperial Forces (BRG-IF) THEN WHAT they make to STOP this ?!
News: The confirmation appear exactly 5 minutes ago, when Napolion receive visit of one breeder who renounce after tragically dead of his female and he come to Napolion to see his breeding. Because I forget to say..Napolion have friends, but mans by character !
Napolion joke when his friend say he like the young Napolion female : " I can offer you one Rabbits when I will have puppys" . Napolion friend responde : "I do not need other Rabbit, all mans renounce to Rabbits and I know mans who try to sell 4 years old Rabbits. Too much problems in this race ! ".
_English section,
Rabbits world
Napolion thanks
Napolion thanks to his Virtual Friends and Visitors (VFV) from entire world and especial to Valencia (V.) about his help and advertising maked in favor of ME, one simply narrator of Napolion storys. He write interesant things on forum of Greec friends clik to read.
Few personages appear very familiary here and exist some similitudes between real and imaginar worlds and personages .
Sure...all storyes have some real parts, but in our imaginar Kingdom lived only fantastic personages .....
We will continue to story storys about Roman Legions and Generals (RLG) ,how become Napolion soldier in Roman army and what happened after that ;we will talk about Germank Comandants and Knights , about Kings , traitors and intrigues from this Rabbits world ; and we will continue to show the weakening of this imaginar world.
Few personages appear very familiary here and exist some similitudes between real and imaginar worlds and personages .
Sure...all storyes have some real parts, but in our imaginar Kingdom lived only fantastic personages .....
We will continue to story storys about Roman Legions and Generals (RLG) ,how become Napolion soldier in Roman army and what happened after that ;we will talk about Germank Comandants and Knights , about Kings , traitors and intrigues from this Rabbits world ; and we will continue to show the weakening of this imaginar world.
_English section,
joi, 14 mai 2009
THE players !
Napolion talk in one anterior story about great Acuna and his relative-blood with first Rabbit Female from Little Kingdom of Fokus the King.
Almost all descendants of first female from little Kingdom was losted . The breeders from little Kingdom endure foreign domination fully by DISEASES , the basical blood-lines was almost covered and few traitors help at this. Who are this traitors ? They will be presented step by step in our fantastic story at opportune moment , because to the finish of story they will prove who they are. Few of them already prove .
Maybe some personages understand the sistem and try to play the game .... For example owner from El Valahia , he try to play but ..at the finish he endure desaster ! The un-afectated (for the moment) El-Valahia breeding-line come from first Rabbit female, but this don't mean they don't play Russian Roulette and in any moment can ..... booooommmm!. This is the beauty of this game, the result we can know only at the fine, when make..booooommmm!
About Samurai he love the foreign blood-lines and he don't lost any ocassion to promovate them. If we talk about Rabbits,he hate three names : Daciai'os , Fustenfelld&Vinberger's and Russian.
If we talk about humans,he hate three names too : Fokus, Napolion and theLord . But now,his BIG love is the LORD , because Lord broken his legs almost every day!
about Samurai, the specialist in war strategy I don't talk yet..Napolion decide to leave him in the hand of the Lord DUDAU to broken his bones .
Citation from the LORD :
Here is Statupalmabarbacot in time when he make war strategies .He is the man with black lame rabbit ,so ugly that all rabbit females RUN away when see him.
Now you remember.
But...regarding the LORD preferance, not Samurai is the big love of the Lord.
The big love of the lord is Napolion and...Sapca - the prim-minister of the Fokus the King. Only 2 days ago, The Lord DUDAU atack prim-minister about disasters from little Kingdom .
For example one Napolion good friend named V. request to apply in little Kingdom the best things from Foreign Imperial Forces (FIF): the clears Germank procedures ussing IDENTICAL ROMAN LEGIONS STRUCTURES AND FREE FUNCTIONALITY.
Or this don't happened yet and the years are losted stupid, when they try to apply Germank rules without any support. Maybe this happened under Imperial presure ,but one Roman Big General (RBG) inform Napolion friend , this don't happened under presure and was one personal decision.
Do you think prim-minister will change something ? Very rare one prime-minister change something in his politic. About this words, Fokus the King must to thinking well before to become responsable himself !
About big player Fokus the King is hard to apreciate his position . He is one good player. Then..about the King we will talk after his next movements.
About the rest....not for moment...
Almost all descendants of first female from little Kingdom was losted . The breeders from little Kingdom endure foreign domination fully by DISEASES , the basical blood-lines was almost covered and few traitors help at this. Who are this traitors ? They will be presented step by step in our fantastic story at opportune moment , because to the finish of story they will prove who they are. Few of them already prove .
Maybe some personages understand the sistem and try to play the game .... For example owner from El Valahia , he try to play but ..at the finish he endure desaster ! The un-afectated (for the moment) El-Valahia breeding-line come from first Rabbit female, but this don't mean they don't play Russian Roulette and in any moment can ..... booooommmm!. This is the beauty of this game, the result we can know only at the fine, when make..booooommmm!
About Samurai he love the foreign blood-lines and he don't lost any ocassion to promovate them. If we talk about Rabbits,he hate three names : Daciai'os , Fustenfelld&Vinberger's and Russian.
If we talk about humans,he hate three names too : Fokus, Napolion and theLord . But now,his BIG love is the LORD , because Lord broken his legs almost every day!
about Samurai, the specialist in war strategy I don't talk yet..Napolion decide to leave him in the hand of the Lord DUDAU to broken his bones .
Citation from the LORD :
Here is Statupalmabarbacot in time when he make war strategies .He is the man with black lame rabbit ,so ugly that all rabbit females RUN away when see him.
Now you remember.
But...regarding the LORD preferance, not Samurai is the big love of the Lord.
The big love of the lord is Napolion and...Sapca - the prim-minister of the Fokus the King. Only 2 days ago, The Lord DUDAU atack prim-minister about disasters from little Kingdom .
For example one Napolion good friend named V. request to apply in little Kingdom the best things from Foreign Imperial Forces (FIF): the clears Germank procedures ussing IDENTICAL ROMAN LEGIONS STRUCTURES AND FREE FUNCTIONALITY.
Or this don't happened yet and the years are losted stupid, when they try to apply Germank rules without any support. Maybe this happened under Imperial presure ,but one Roman Big General (RBG) inform Napolion friend , this don't happened under presure and was one personal decision.
Do you think prim-minister will change something ? Very rare one prime-minister change something in his politic. About this words, Fokus the King must to thinking well before to become responsable himself !
About big player Fokus the King is hard to apreciate his position . He is one good player. Then..about the King we will talk after his next movements.
About the rest....not for moment...
_English section,
Rabbits world,
Siberian Roulette
Stay on line my Lord !
The Lord return with his crazy ideeas :
Now the LORD DUDAU believe he talk with our herro Napolion on the mail . If this is true, then..Napolion inform him, he nerver talk in mail. Maybe somebody joke with him and with his neuron. ha ha ha
If Napolion have something to say, he will inform in this place.
To talk directly with Napolion, then he need to obtain one audience .
About Lords jokes "Together more strong " , nice joke if Lord neuron thinking the unstopable Napolionian armys (Me and Myself ) need family DUDA help.
But YES, The LORD help Napolion to show stupidity at her HOME !
Is funny to seen how Lord broken Samurai and his friends legs and make "schelau" like one CIU-UAUA in face of King of the Kingdom & his Generals (KK &hG).
Then..stay on line my Lord! The eternity is in your face !
Now the LORD DUDAU believe he talk with our herro Napolion on the mail . If this is true, then..Napolion inform him, he nerver talk in mail. Maybe somebody joke with him and with his neuron. ha ha ha
If Napolion have something to say, he will inform in this place.
To talk directly with Napolion, then he need to obtain one audience .
About Lords jokes "Together more strong " , nice joke if Lord neuron thinking the unstopable Napolionian armys (Me and Myself ) need family DUDA help.
But YES, The LORD help Napolion to show stupidity at her HOME !
Is funny to seen how Lord broken Samurai and his friends legs and make "schelau" like one CIU-UAUA in face of King of the Kingdom & his Generals (KK &hG).
Then..stay on line my Lord! The eternity is in your face !
_English section,
ADN-ul and Stupidity,
ADN-ul si prostia
At phone....
Tzzrrrrrr ....
-Hello. Somebody offer me your number, I have interest in one Rabbit puppy.
-Sorry I do not have. Who inform you my number?
-I don't know exactly...Romeo...I am not sure...
-I don't have puppys more that 1 1/2 years , but if you like I will offer you one or two phone numbers.
-No thank you, I already talk and is very expansive 800-1000 EUR cost. I search one Rabbit puppy for family. I don't have big interest in breeding and I search not more that 300 EUR puppy cost.
-Sorry, I don't know how I can help.
-Maybe next years you will have puppys again ?
-No, I don't think this.
-Ok..thank you anyway...
-Sorry. Bye.
Dear buyers !
By many years the Big Rabbits Breeders make advertising and learn us , one expansive puppy will be HEALTLY and CHAMPION for sure !
Then , please come in our days. 300 EUR cost one pet puppy without shows qualities ! Today this game is very expansive .
At 300 EUR price, only breeder from el Valahia -one region from our little Kingdom- offer puppys but..fortunately..he don't breed more today ! And only crazy Napolion offer Rabbits at 6 months old without money and offer money to owners to get back.
P.S. Si ownerii au rupt picioarele iepurilor sau ii cresc in grajd sau in cutii de cartofi iar 'pretenii stiu ei care ' l-au acuzat de afaceri murdare !
-Hello. Somebody offer me your number, I have interest in one Rabbit puppy.
-Sorry I do not have. Who inform you my number?
-I don't know exactly...Romeo...I am not sure...
-I don't have puppys more that 1 1/2 years , but if you like I will offer you one or two phone numbers.
-No thank you, I already talk and is very expansive 800-1000 EUR cost. I search one Rabbit puppy for family. I don't have big interest in breeding and I search not more that 300 EUR puppy cost.
-Sorry, I don't know how I can help.
-Maybe next years you will have puppys again ?
-No, I don't think this.
-Ok..thank you anyway...
-Sorry. Bye.
Dear buyers !
By many years the Big Rabbits Breeders make advertising and learn us , one expansive puppy will be HEALTLY and CHAMPION for sure !
Then , please come in our days. 300 EUR cost one pet puppy without shows qualities ! Today this game is very expansive .
At 300 EUR price, only breeder from el Valahia -one region from our little Kingdom- offer puppys but..fortunately..he don't breed more today ! And only crazy Napolion offer Rabbits at 6 months old without money and offer money to owners to get back.
P.S. Si ownerii au rupt picioarele iepurilor sau ii cresc in grajd sau in cutii de cartofi iar 'pretenii stiu ei care ' l-au acuzat de afaceri murdare !
_English section,
HUGGO play Roulette
In first RD page, appear one young and very nice stud.
His name is Huggo. His mother is Acuna, daughter of Russian Tiger. The great female Acuna - have blood-relative with our little Kingdom first female .
Now she returning and begin one new chess GAME with poor Big Rabbits (BR)! Sure..Acuna is alone but hers genes are strongly.
This young can be one winner ! But this will be knowed only at the end of the game !
The game is simply in this sistem : you try to avoid some blood-lines because are fully by disseases then you are out and your puppys remaining unsolded , only goods for pet gifts.
But this sistem have one big desavantage : in one day the resistance lines will be covered totally . Begining with this day, the guns will begin to make booommmms !! in same time.Then..Big Rabbits Breeders (BRB) must to thinking two time before shot one time.
Acuna understand well this game and ofer what she have more good . The Big Rabbits Breeders (BRB) know what offer Acuna. Then..... they begin to 'love' Acuna.
Let say Wellcome of this young stud in Russian Roulette world !
In other part of same RD site, somebody new in this world, presente daughter of Santa Jurf Egipt , grand daughter of Taberlan is Russian Stai and the great-granddaughter Acsel din Casa Ravasita , from unique a combination Grafus Cuinto and Cuirinus. And also Alpha dela Chitone. All in one.
Let say Wellcome too, in Russian Roulette world !
What player do you choice to BET on them ?
His name is Huggo. His mother is Acuna, daughter of Russian Tiger. The great female Acuna - have blood-relative with our little Kingdom first female .
Now she returning and begin one new chess GAME with poor Big Rabbits (BR)! Sure..Acuna is alone but hers genes are strongly.
This young can be one winner ! But this will be knowed only at the end of the game !
The game is simply in this sistem : you try to avoid some blood-lines because are fully by disseases then you are out and your puppys remaining unsolded , only goods for pet gifts.
But this sistem have one big desavantage : in one day the resistance lines will be covered totally . Begining with this day, the guns will begin to make booommmms !! in same time.Then..Big Rabbits Breeders (BRB) must to thinking two time before shot one time.
Acuna understand well this game and ofer what she have more good . The Big Rabbits Breeders (BRB) know what offer Acuna. Then..... they begin to 'love' Acuna.
Let say Wellcome of this young stud in Russian Roulette world !
In other part of same RD site, somebody new in this world, presente daughter of Santa Jurf Egipt , grand daughter of Taberlan is Russian Stai and the great-granddaughter Acsel din Casa Ravasita , from unique a combination Grafus Cuinto and Cuirinus. And also Alpha dela Chitone. All in one.
Let say Wellcome too, in Russian Roulette world !
What player do you choice to BET on them ?
_English section,
Siberian Roulette
miercuri, 13 mai 2009
New rabbit female
Today is a great day. After Lady DUDA atack the 'false' advertising with all forces, today Lady DUDA presente in his blog ( clik here ) ussing indirect advertising their new female picture ,but she keep in secret hers ancestors because she have fear by "Nostradamus" database (because we need to announce DUDA family , the database exist, even they don't like this ).
Even is one good female , Napolion evaluate negative her reproductive future, because Lord and Lady DUDA are OUT of game , but she can have one little chance if will try ZPT ...in ...GREECE - like Citro - , and Napolion friends will help...
Anyway Napolion wish to this female all the best and more lucky that anterior rabbit.
Even is one good female , Napolion evaluate negative her reproductive future, because Lord and Lady DUDA are OUT of game , but she can have one little chance if will try ZPT ...in ...GREECE - like Citro - , and Napolion friends will help...
Anyway Napolion wish to this female all the best and more lucky that anterior rabbit.
_English section,
Today Lady DUDA is one very SADNESS woman. I don't know the reasons. Maybe she understand she remaining alone to defend imaginar things from Rabbits world from our little imaginar Kingdom .
She say HIMSELF something like that (Is hard to me to translate all what she say):
"From december 2005 I watching with attention at RDC klub activities, the unique Rabbits klub from our kingdom.
Every day I am more wondered by opacity of his members and leaders.
My sensation is everithing what they make is one big secret very well defended in face of outsiders ...............
She say HIMSELF something like that (Is hard to me to translate all what she say):
"From december 2005 I watching with attention at RDC klub activities, the unique Rabbits klub from our kingdom.
Every day I am more wondered by opacity of his members and leaders.
My sensation is everithing what they make is one big secret very well defended in face of outsiders ...............
After this, Lady DUDA begin to make acussation about politic, Rabbits breeding activities and talk without any sense about this subject. In same time, his husband discuss retorically about Rabbits pedigrees , monopol and hard breeding conditions from Kingdom .
At the final she explain retorical 3 reactions :
-first is fully by violence and malice from service-team who stay on-guard in little Kingdom
-second is SILENTIO STAMPA /indifference : "you write what you like, I don't care by your words/proposals/critiques
- third : stupid Napolion "vice-versa" and his friends interventions .
Yes,she have right, Napolion is stupid because He show stupidity there where exist !!
I will presente now Napolion friends from little Kimgdom :
_English section,
Policically Excusses,
Rabbits world
Apare o stire pe Hotnews (clik aici) , cica Guvernul Trosc va analiza impactul asupra IMM-urilor al ultimilor hotarari cu impact in economic. Adica dupa ce s-au oprit mii de IMM-uri micute dar care mai rotunjeau veniturile bietilor Romani , asta in beneficiul MONOPOLULUI marilor firme si concerne , cica se va analiza. Ins chimb barosanii plimba liberi , iar justitia face curat in..fuutbool ! Ma intreb adesea cine dirijeaza mentalul unora, deoarece este clar ca directia este spre un MONOPOL deplin , in multe domenii de activitate!
Ori....analiza si anticiparea efectelor in mod normal se face inainte de a lua decizii. Doar ca exemplele sunt MULTEEEE in care caruta e pusa inaintea bolilor iar analiza nu a functionat.
Uneori, nici dupa ce efectele dezastruaoase se vad cu ochiul liber , anumiti indivizi nu-s capabili sa isi asume erorile si sa indrepte lucrurile. Acesti indivizi probeaza uneori ca sunt iremediabili . Ei dau vina pe ORICE , sunt specialisti in Excusse-ment si Argument.
Ori....analiza si anticiparea efectelor in mod normal se face inainte de a lua decizii. Doar ca exemplele sunt MULTEEEE in care caruta e pusa inaintea bolilor iar analiza nu a functionat.
Uneori, nici dupa ce efectele dezastruaoase se vad cu ochiul liber , anumiti indivizi nu-s capabili sa isi asume erorile si sa indrepte lucrurile. Acesti indivizi probeaza uneori ca sunt iremediabili . Ei dau vina pe ORICE , sunt specialisti in Excusse-ment si Argument.
Conduc maimutele,
Mogulii din spatele politicienilor!
Un exceptional articol despre prostitutia din presa Romaneasca. -Clik aici
Hotnews este un site unde Mogulii sunt loviti.
Hotnews este un site care merita promovat .
Hotnews este un site unde Romanii spun NU sistemului.
Spune si tu NU !
Hotnews este un site unde Mogulii sunt loviti.
Hotnews este un site care merita promovat .
Hotnews este un site unde Romanii spun NU sistemului.
Spune si tu NU !
Conduc maimutele,
marți, 12 mai 2009
Informations are important in this world. But corect informations are rare.
Some time, informattions missing totally and exist mans who make advertising without knowledges or actual infos .
Some time, informattions missing totally and exist mans who make advertising without knowledges or actual infos .
_English section,
luni, 11 mai 2009
Policically Excusses
Few years Napolion was named "crazy" when he sense something work wrong . He need time to understand the reality.
The positive step is when Normal Breeders begin to understand ; because middle class represent the power of the breed. I talk directly with THEM !
They must to change the sistem based on beauty and shows. Not shows are the scope of our breed and breeders activity.
Somebody say few time ago: "Shows must to becomme like OSCAR days when friends meet friends" .
One direct ZPT NATIVE SELECTION is preffered.The trainers must to train where their place is normal to be : in working fields, not in selection nor to make monopol, nor to learn Rabbits to mate or fooding !
In shows appear different races with short coat , small bodies or big bodies. This can not be used like politically excusses about regress of breed.
They excusse fully by knowledge disseases. They excusse fully by compassion disseases.
Now they was ENFORCED in face of evidance to accept dissasters. But they REFUSSE to assume. Why ? Because after this THEY MUST TO PAY the errors.
They make politically excusses and say the bad genes are in breed from begining. That is true, but they don't say entire the truth. Is true , few studs and females , in past keep and transmit disseases genes . They forget to say they use AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN exactly this lines fully by Cancer, DKM, Wodler, wrong DH, ussing incredible inbreeding coefficients.
What time the healtly genepool exist and offer stability of this breed , the disseases was under control.
But step by steps this ressistance was losted because theyr circles after circles change genetically matrixis and put the genetical piramide inverse.
This factorys continnue to breed from this lines , make advertising and follow this breeding mode.
Then, poor Rabbits...pass Raimbow Bridge in our aplausses !
The positive step is when Normal Breeders begin to understand ; because middle class represent the power of the breed. I talk directly with THEM !
They must to change the sistem based on beauty and shows. Not shows are the scope of our breed and breeders activity.
Somebody say few time ago: "Shows must to becomme like OSCAR days when friends meet friends" .
One direct ZPT NATIVE SELECTION is preffered.The trainers must to train where their place is normal to be : in working fields, not in selection nor to make monopol, nor to learn Rabbits to mate or fooding !
In shows appear different races with short coat , small bodies or big bodies. This can not be used like politically excusses about regress of breed.
They excusse fully by knowledge disseases. They excusse fully by compassion disseases.
Now they was ENFORCED in face of evidance to accept dissasters. But they REFUSSE to assume. Why ? Because after this THEY MUST TO PAY the errors.
They make politically excusses and say the bad genes are in breed from begining. That is true, but they don't say entire the truth. Is true , few studs and females , in past keep and transmit disseases genes . They forget to say they use AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN exactly this lines fully by Cancer, DKM, Wodler, wrong DH, ussing incredible inbreeding coefficients.
What time the healtly genepool exist and offer stability of this breed , the disseases was under control.
But step by steps this ressistance was losted because theyr circles after circles change genetically matrixis and put the genetical piramide inverse.
This factorys continnue to breed from this lines , make advertising and follow this breeding mode.
Then, poor Rabbits...pass Raimbow Bridge in our aplausses !
_English section,
Policically Excusses,
Siberian Roulette
duminică, 10 mai 2009
New breeding
Napolion decide to accept what somebody sugest to him few time ago and presente one new 'reproductore'.
Is very sweet.
Is very sweet.
_English section,
Citeam daunazi despre amaratul batut cu lantul peste bot si urechile taiate cu cutitul.
Multa suferinta este in lumea asta a maimutelor !
Faza mi-a amintit de altele doua....una petrecuta acum 20 de ani , pe cand mergeam la abatator sa iau mincare , ca deh...pe atunci nu exista mincare de cosmonauti si nici mamaliga nu dadeam, desi manipularea a functionat .
Imi amintesc de o..vaca. Le bagau intr-o camera, si harst, le taiau undeva la baza gatului. Sangelea incepea sa curga in jos spre piept, pe picior....si incet incet se inmuiau si se prabuseau. Doar ca una..biata, presimtea pesemne sfarsitul si a crezut ca il poate amana, refuzand sa intre in camera cu scurgeri in pardoseala , pentru sange si urina scapata pe cand treceau THE RAIMBOW BRIDGE-ul atat de mult laudat. Maimutoiul a lovit napraznic , lantul nemilos , cu ghioaga, a lovit-o linga ochi..pe bot.Nici nu a clipit...doar a intors capul . In fata durerii imense, s-a lasat dusa , s-a lasat plecata linistit si fara regret din lumea asta murdara a maimutelor. Caci sunt lucruri mult mai rele decat moartea.
A doua s-a intamplat acum, cu o zi inainte de paste. Un maimutoi , dupa vorba si port de prin ardeal , facea banu gros la coltul strazii din obor. Am vazut cum cuprinde oaia intre picioare, i-a sucit capul spre stanga , in sus, spre cer, si cu cutitul a facut sangele sa curga. Si ca sa nu stropeasca , i-a sucit capul mai mult, incat suvoiul de sange, iesit cu bolta sa cada in canalizarea din coltul strazii. A murit bland, privind cerul, in timp ce maimutoiul vocifera vitejeste si mandru , in timp ce prin jur treceau grabite maimutele!
Am inchis ochii refuzand sa vad realitatea din ziua de langa paste a anului 2009. Aveam sa-mi amintesc de asta pe cand mincam atat de buna ciorba de miel.
Cand am trecut inapoi, maimutoiul da voiniceste la o pompa de masina. Dar nu roata o umfla. Umfla biata oaie, diforma. Doar capul ramas sucit..cu ochii deschisi , priveau linistiti spre cer departe de LUMEA MAIMUTELOR !
Multa suferinta este in lumea asta a maimutelor !
Faza mi-a amintit de altele doua....una petrecuta acum 20 de ani , pe cand mergeam la abatator sa iau mincare , ca deh...pe atunci nu exista mincare de cosmonauti si nici mamaliga nu dadeam, desi manipularea a functionat .
Imi amintesc de o..vaca. Le bagau intr-o camera, si harst, le taiau undeva la baza gatului. Sangelea incepea sa curga in jos spre piept, pe picior....si incet incet se inmuiau si se prabuseau. Doar ca una..biata, presimtea pesemne sfarsitul si a crezut ca il poate amana, refuzand sa intre in camera cu scurgeri in pardoseala , pentru sange si urina scapata pe cand treceau THE RAIMBOW BRIDGE-ul atat de mult laudat. Maimutoiul a lovit napraznic , lantul nemilos , cu ghioaga, a lovit-o linga ochi..pe bot.Nici nu a clipit...doar a intors capul . In fata durerii imense, s-a lasat dusa , s-a lasat plecata linistit si fara regret din lumea asta murdara a maimutelor. Caci sunt lucruri mult mai rele decat moartea.
A doua s-a intamplat acum, cu o zi inainte de paste. Un maimutoi , dupa vorba si port de prin ardeal , facea banu gros la coltul strazii din obor. Am vazut cum cuprinde oaia intre picioare, i-a sucit capul spre stanga , in sus, spre cer, si cu cutitul a facut sangele sa curga. Si ca sa nu stropeasca , i-a sucit capul mai mult, incat suvoiul de sange, iesit cu bolta sa cada in canalizarea din coltul strazii. A murit bland, privind cerul, in timp ce maimutoiul vocifera vitejeste si mandru , in timp ce prin jur treceau grabite maimutele!
Am inchis ochii refuzand sa vad realitatea din ziua de langa paste a anului 2009. Aveam sa-mi amintesc de asta pe cand mincam atat de buna ciorba de miel.
Cand am trecut inapoi, maimutoiul da voiniceste la o pompa de masina. Dar nu roata o umfla. Umfla biata oaie, diforma. Doar capul ramas sucit..cu ochii deschisi , priveau linistiti spre cer departe de LUMEA MAIMUTELOR !
Conduc maimutele,
sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009
Already all of you know the new voice who sound in entire Rabbits world ! Dudau family voice.
In time when Lord DUDAU prepare his voice without succes, The Lady DUDA voice sound like one nightingale :
Don't believe I am out from reality or naive. I knowed from begining , my solicitation about DATABASE with all dobermanns , will attract to me many enemys.
I knowed from begining , the guilty breeders will shout firstly against my ideea because will be impossible to fool naives mans and they don't have posibility to fool they have healthful Rabbits, will be impossible to invent pedigrees and ancestors (Vin Bere Gin's) and will don't make incorrect concurance to onest breeders.
In same mode, exist fellow-mans who call in all forums what big specialist they are (she reffer at our herro Napolion) and use inexistance of database to fool puppys buyers with puppys who have genetically problems or mediocre parents fully by coups obtained in mediocres rabbits shows ("where the mute man wean his mare").
The final is spectaculouse:
The Rabbits Klubs must to out exactly this mans and CUT the bad things from ROOT !
I love faitful nightingale Lady DUDA jokes ! Please Lady Duda stop your jokes and keep your patience. Already all breeders work to make reality your dream.
I hope you remember how the LADY request database. If no, please clik here and see the paparazzi movie. The corect answer is dAtA-base and lady become nervouse because nobody responde at one soo simply question.
In time when Lord DUDAU prepare his voice without succes, The Lady DUDA voice sound like one nightingale :
Don't believe I am out from reality or naive. I knowed from begining , my solicitation about DATABASE with all dobermanns , will attract to me many enemys.
I knowed from begining , the guilty breeders will shout firstly against my ideea because will be impossible to fool naives mans and they don't have posibility to fool they have healthful Rabbits, will be impossible to invent pedigrees and ancestors (Vin Bere Gin's) and will don't make incorrect concurance to onest breeders.
In same mode, exist fellow-mans who call in all forums what big specialist they are (she reffer at our herro Napolion) and use inexistance of database to fool puppys buyers with puppys who have genetically problems or mediocre parents fully by coups obtained in mediocres rabbits shows ("where the mute man wean his mare").
The final is spectaculouse:
The Rabbits Klubs must to out exactly this mans and CUT the bad things from ROOT !
I love faitful nightingale Lady DUDA jokes ! Please Lady Duda stop your jokes and keep your patience. Already all breeders work to make reality your dream.
I hope you remember how the LADY request database. If no, please clik here and see the paparazzi movie. The corect answer is dAtA-base and lady become nervouse because nobody responde at one soo simply question.
_English section,
database and contract
vineri, 8 mai 2009
The Contract
The Lord is one little child near the Lady. I think at home he don't move in Lady face.
What do you think The LADY do now?
Now, she request CONTRACT when somebody sell one Rabbit puppy and she request warranty . COME IN OUR DAYS MY LADY ! wake up ! Do you think this breed is like one object to offer warranty? I am couriouse too see the breeder who offer warranty..ha ha ha..I like your jokes !
"Do you remember about my requesting about selling CONTRACT necessity?
Maybe you thinking I forget by him and I talk only about database.
Nooooo my dears ! I don't forget by him ! I thinking to him last days............... "
I renounce....is imposible with The Lady DUDA !
What do you think The LADY do now?
Now, she request CONTRACT when somebody sell one Rabbit puppy and she request warranty . COME IN OUR DAYS MY LADY ! wake up ! Do you think this breed is like one object to offer warranty? I am couriouse too see the breeder who offer warranty..ha ha ha..I like your jokes !
"Do you remember about my requesting about selling CONTRACT necessity?
Maybe you thinking I forget by him and I talk only about database.
Nooooo my dears ! I don't forget by him ! I thinking to him last days............... "
I renounce....is imposible with The Lady DUDA !
_English section,
database and contract
Russian Roulette III
In reality many from our beloved rabbits died one by one.
In reality they don't pass Raimbow bridge, they died young .
In reality the owner becomme fast verry sensitive.
In reality the owner don't talk about died because "love" reasons.
In reality they start war if somebody say something because mean you try do destroy the image post-mortem .
In reality they start to cry if somebody destroy the MEMORY of lovable Rabbit!
In reality they never public inform.
In reality only few have acces to know the reasons of deads.
In reality you know the ressons but you don't have proofs.
In reality if you get infos you must to keep silance.
In reality they don't love , because to love mean more that personal interest .
In reality they damned this breed .
In reality they find arguments and escusses very well.
In reality many from pedigrees are fully by diseases !
In reality nobody , nor Russian Roullete can stop this system !
In reality many from them are specialists in excusses.
In reality this system work by Looooongggg timeeeee.
In reallity I am fully by all this and before to accept I will out.
In reality they don't pass Raimbow bridge, they died young .
In reality the owner becomme fast verry sensitive.
In reality the owner don't talk about died because "love" reasons.
In reality they start war if somebody say something because mean you try do destroy the image post-mortem .
In reality they start to cry if somebody destroy the MEMORY of lovable Rabbit!
In reality they never public inform.
In reality only few have acces to know the reasons of deads.
In reality you know the ressons but you don't have proofs.
In reality if you get infos you must to keep silance.
In reality they don't love , because to love mean more that personal interest .
In reality they damned this breed .
In reality they find arguments and escusses very well.
In reality many from pedigrees are fully by diseases !
In reality nobody , nor Russian Roullete can stop this system !
In reality many from them are specialists in excusses.
In reality this system work by Looooongggg timeeeee.
In reallity I am fully by all this and before to accept I will out.
_English section,
Siberian Roulette
The Unstoped Lady
The Lady DUDA is unstoped. NO chance to stop she ! Now she try to acusse Napolion BY falsity and dirty things. She move in false mode, again, the problem in one particular case when one simply owner make normal fotos.
She forget to say, the brown body is UNMODIFIED and only the contrast was modified and the slippers are eliminated from pict !
She forget to say, the brown body is UNMODIFIED and only the contrast was modified and the slippers are eliminated from pict !
More that , our artist make pubblic announcement : "I eliminate the slippers from picture !" Then WHERE IS THE FALSITY WHEN BOTH PICTURES ARE PRESENT ?
The modification was maked by artist Napolion because he know this world rules.
_English section,
The Lady DUDA have orgasmic pleasure when she saw somebody acusse about one Rabbit picture (absolutely normal picture, maked with normal camera), acussing about modiffication ussing modern drawing tools .
Or...this paint tehniques are happened every day. In this Rabbits world BASED ON RINGS AND ADVERTISING, any faults can be ussed to be out , don't matter if is healtly or no.
Then..what can make the poor owners and poor rabbist?
Returning, I don not know if picture is modified or no - not this is the problem. This is one FALSE problem.
..is easy to acusse one simply owner , who maybe try to play with one picture without ANY ADVANTAGE and EXCUSE ONE ENTIRE SYSTEM .
Or...the lady who acusse, is one specialist in excusses, she excuse very well some things ......
P.S. Maybe now somebody understand why Napolion say in many ocassions: don't publish any picture. This is the world where our rabbits lived !
Or...this paint tehniques are happened every day. In this Rabbits world BASED ON RINGS AND ADVERTISING, any faults can be ussed to be out , don't matter if is healtly or no.
Then..what can make the poor owners and poor rabbist?
Returning, I don not know if picture is modified or no - not this is the problem. This is one FALSE problem.
..is easy to acusse one simply owner , who maybe try to play with one picture without ANY ADVANTAGE and EXCUSE ONE ENTIRE SYSTEM .
Or...the lady who acusse, is one specialist in excusses, she excuse very well some things ......
P.S. Maybe now somebody understand why Napolion say in many ocassions: don't publish any picture. This is the world where our rabbits lived !
_English section,
joi, 7 mai 2009
Tehnici de manipulare
Exista cateva tehnici de manipulare, multe din ele descrise in diverse scrieri. Va dati seama ca Napolion nu-i specialist in tehnici de acest gen, dar va adapta -prin minime modificari- cateva idei mai pe intelesul nostru iepuresc spre a intelege toata lumea despre ce e vorba.
Una dintre ele este sa repeti niste minciuni pina ce acestea sunt insusite ca adevar. Aceste tehnici de securist au fost exersate pe deplin de cativa indivizi.
Regula de aur este sa distrugi imaginea celui care iti sta impotriva.
Astfel , te folosesti de un oarecare fapt, schimbi 10 % pastrand 90% adevarul, lansezi bomba..apoi bati moneda pe cele 10% procente false. Anumiti indivizi se ocupa cu asa ceva nativ . Au scoala securistica nativa de la mama natura datorita caracterului avut.
Spre exemplu, iei un iepure care nu are urechi ridicate deoarece are cartilagiu mizerabil (lucru adevarat) si dai vina pe ingrijitor ca nu-si tine iepurele urechile ridicate .
Stiu cei care au apelat la tehnica asta.
Sau iei un iepure putin tembel (lucru adevarat) si dai vina pe ingrijitor ca l-a facut tembel.
Nu in ultima instanta, iei o iepuroaica care nu prea maninca (aflu si eu ca asta a devinit o trasatura genetica prezenta in anumite linii) si dai vina pe ingrijitor ca e slaba.
Deasemenea, pentru a masca slabiciuni de caracter genetice, se lanseaza tot felul de stiri false si povesti...despre iepuri bruscati..Da, bruscati de mama natura saracutii !
Alta tehnica este aceea de a accepta evidenta si de a o scuza , de a o prezenta ca pe un lucru care nu putea fi altfel.
O tehnica de schimbare a realitatii este realizata in general prin massmedia aservita unor interese si largi canale de presa sau internet . Astfel s-au nascut imense trusturi care actioneaza folosind manipularea si advertisingul in scopul promovarii si apararii celor din spatele lor.
O alta tehnica este cea de exagerare si de atribuire in mod eronat a unor fapte.
Spre exemplu, cineva se opune hranirii iepurilor EXCLUSIV cu concentrate - e dezvoltata o intreaga industrie in domeniu .Indivizii care incearca sa apere acest mod exclusiv de hrana, lanseaza o campanie impotriva celui care se opune acuzandu-l ca-si hraneste iepurii cu laturi .
Daca cineva spune ' nu-i problema sa dai si mamaliga' tehnica de exagerare vine cand se afirma 'respectivul da numai mamaliga' . Iar daca cel care a afirmat aceste lucruri este si alta persoana, manipularea devine deplina.
O alta tehnica este cea a prezentarii repetate , prin omisiunea lucrurilor pozitive , numai a unor fapte negative chiar daca vina nu apartine respectivului sau s-a intamplat fara vina sa. Este un fel de mutare negativa a responsabilitatii.
O importanta tehnica este DISTRUGEREA SIMBOLULILOR , ISTORIEI si lucrurilor de rezistenta morala. Aceasta se face prin FALSIFICARE si inlocuire a simbolulilor cu simboluri false. Se face submisiv, cu tupeu, acuzand eventualii contestatarii de lucruri sensibile firii omenesti si omeniei.
Victimizarea. Manipulatorul devine victima si victimizeaza. Un exemplu il puteti vedea in urmatoarea caricatura Vacanta Mare (clik pentru a vedea)
O alta tehnica este cea a mimarii, sa mimezi ceea ce nu esti. Clik aici pentru a vedea.
O alta tehnica este cea a intimidarii fizice si morale, combinate cu amenintari grosolane, injuraturi, sau daca nu tine, cu amenintari "legale".
O alta tehnica este continua discreditare, de mistocareala , facuta de cativa indivizi fara caracter in acelasi timp. Aceasta tehnica este larg folosita . Astfel ei reusesc sa coalizeze un curent de opinie nefavorabil respectivei persoane. Sunt suficiente cateva persoane sa creeze o isterie generala.
Desigur ca figura tine la indivizi slabi de inger si de caracter.
Cei fara caracter sau care urmaresc anumite interese se lasa antrenati sau pornesc asemenea jocuri murdare. Un individ cu caracter puternic ar refuza sa initieze sau sa participe la astfel de manipulari.
Una dintre ele este sa repeti niste minciuni pina ce acestea sunt insusite ca adevar. Aceste tehnici de securist au fost exersate pe deplin de cativa indivizi.
Regula de aur este sa distrugi imaginea celui care iti sta impotriva.
Astfel , te folosesti de un oarecare fapt, schimbi 10 % pastrand 90% adevarul, lansezi bomba..apoi bati moneda pe cele 10% procente false. Anumiti indivizi se ocupa cu asa ceva nativ . Au scoala securistica nativa de la mama natura datorita caracterului avut.
Spre exemplu, iei un iepure care nu are urechi ridicate deoarece are cartilagiu mizerabil (lucru adevarat) si dai vina pe ingrijitor ca nu-si tine iepurele urechile ridicate .
Stiu cei care au apelat la tehnica asta.
Sau iei un iepure putin tembel (lucru adevarat) si dai vina pe ingrijitor ca l-a facut tembel.
Nu in ultima instanta, iei o iepuroaica care nu prea maninca (aflu si eu ca asta a devinit o trasatura genetica prezenta in anumite linii) si dai vina pe ingrijitor ca e slaba.
Deasemenea, pentru a masca slabiciuni de caracter genetice, se lanseaza tot felul de stiri false si povesti...despre iepuri bruscati..Da, bruscati de mama natura saracutii !
Alta tehnica este aceea de a accepta evidenta si de a o scuza , de a o prezenta ca pe un lucru care nu putea fi altfel.
O tehnica de schimbare a realitatii este realizata in general prin massmedia aservita unor interese si largi canale de presa sau internet . Astfel s-au nascut imense trusturi care actioneaza folosind manipularea si advertisingul in scopul promovarii si apararii celor din spatele lor.
O alta tehnica este cea de exagerare si de atribuire in mod eronat a unor fapte.
Spre exemplu, cineva se opune hranirii iepurilor EXCLUSIV cu concentrate - e dezvoltata o intreaga industrie in domeniu .Indivizii care incearca sa apere acest mod exclusiv de hrana, lanseaza o campanie impotriva celui care se opune acuzandu-l ca-si hraneste iepurii cu laturi .
Daca cineva spune ' nu-i problema sa dai si mamaliga' tehnica de exagerare vine cand se afirma 'respectivul da numai mamaliga' . Iar daca cel care a afirmat aceste lucruri este si alta persoana, manipularea devine deplina.
O alta tehnica este cea a prezentarii repetate , prin omisiunea lucrurilor pozitive , numai a unor fapte negative chiar daca vina nu apartine respectivului sau s-a intamplat fara vina sa. Este un fel de mutare negativa a responsabilitatii.
O importanta tehnica este DISTRUGEREA SIMBOLULILOR , ISTORIEI si lucrurilor de rezistenta morala. Aceasta se face prin FALSIFICARE si inlocuire a simbolulilor cu simboluri false. Se face submisiv, cu tupeu, acuzand eventualii contestatarii de lucruri sensibile firii omenesti si omeniei.
Victimizarea. Manipulatorul devine victima si victimizeaza. Un exemplu il puteti vedea in urmatoarea caricatura Vacanta Mare (clik pentru a vedea)
O alta tehnica este cea a mimarii, sa mimezi ceea ce nu esti. Clik aici pentru a vedea.
O alta tehnica este cea a intimidarii fizice si morale, combinate cu amenintari grosolane, injuraturi, sau daca nu tine, cu amenintari "legale".
O alta tehnica este continua discreditare, de mistocareala , facuta de cativa indivizi fara caracter in acelasi timp. Aceasta tehnica este larg folosita . Astfel ei reusesc sa coalizeze un curent de opinie nefavorabil respectivei persoane. Sunt suficiente cateva persoane sa creeze o isterie generala.
Desigur ca figura tine la indivizi slabi de inger si de caracter.
Cei fara caracter sau care urmaresc anumite interese se lasa antrenati sau pornesc asemenea jocuri murdare. Un individ cu caracter puternic ar refuza sa initieze sau sa participe la astfel de manipulari.
ADN-ul si prostia,
Conduc maimutele,
miercuri, 6 mai 2009
Dear Europule !
What do you think Lord DUDAU do now ? Do you think he does nothing ? Noooo ! Like one true patriot (not false like Napolion) he request without any succes answers from President and King of the Kingdom (I forget to inform,in this Kingdom live one president and one king in same time and is verry possible the king will participate at presedency election). Returning, he ask about usage of other National flag , colors and simbols . Sure..he don't receive any answer. But...he have trust and waiting..and waiting... Finnaly , he public inform, he receive one acussation by..xenofoby.
I hope Europul was informed about his xenofoby ! If not yet, I will inform Europul:
Dear Europule ! I inform you about xenofoby of the Lord !
The question is: Is The Lord xenofob ?Leave your message and opinion !
I hope Europul was informed about his xenofoby ! If not yet, I will inform Europul:
Dear Europule ! I inform you about xenofoby of the Lord !
The question is: Is The Lord xenofob ?Leave your message and opinion !
_English section,
In the name of the LORD
Now, in few words I will inform how The LORD DUDAU obtained his nobiliar name.
Simply. He named himself in this mode.
In on day, few years ago, after he atack our Herro Napolion and his Rabbits female in time when she was pregnant first time, together with other mans from Kingdom (few of them have big influence in Kingdom and make laws), The Lord say about himself " I am one black DUDAU snake "
DUDAU mean "WEEDS " or " HEMLOCK " mean "BAD HERBS"
Here he presente his song .
The last words of song, are something like that :
Who is friend with me
I give my coat for him
Who are my enemy
God help him
I am Dudau Snake
About his wife , is logically she have similar Nobiliar Lord name !
Simply. He named himself in this mode.
In on day, few years ago, after he atack our Herro Napolion and his Rabbits female in time when she was pregnant first time, together with other mans from Kingdom (few of them have big influence in Kingdom and make laws), The Lord say about himself " I am one black DUDAU snake "
DUDAU mean "WEEDS " or " HEMLOCK " mean "BAD HERBS"
Here he presente his song .
The last words of song, are something like that :
Who is friend with me
I give my coat for him
Who are my enemy
God help him
I am Dudau Snake
About his wife , is logically she have similar Nobiliar Lord name !
_English section,
Thank You for comments
Thank you for comments . You already know, Napolion is not one English man , some time his translation is not perfect .
Cu Ped fara Ped (II-RO) and TOVARISCH AGAIN (II-EN) !
Cu Ped fara Ped (II-RO) and TOVARISCH AGAIN (II-EN) !
_English section,
I want my database II
Today, Lady DUDA request database AGAIN ( here ) !I never know one person soo dogged.
She try to comment in my style one text from public discussions :
“DCM kills FACT, and people who use there dog's at stud and people who breed there females should have them tested for all Dobermann related
deases not just HD before breeding takes place, dogs that are not tested shouldn't be allowed to be bred from regardless of linage.
If a dog dies suddenly then other Dobermann enthusiasts have the right to know what the dog has died from so that they can avoid using
there prodgeny unless there prodgeny has been tested and cleared, if breeders continue to breed without testing they will kill the breed as we know it,
so the owners should take responsabilty be truthfull and tell people what the dog has died from. “
She continue and comment :
"All what I write have only one scope : to save the breed , and for this I SAY again and again and again and again
we need one public free for all breeders database .
LEAVE YOUR cliques, the vanglory, the hates and SAVE THE DOBERMANN BREED.
NOW , untill is not too late.
She request one public database but contest in all ocassions fantastic DVIN database .
I am sure, because lady DUDA request soo strongly, begining with this moment, ALL breeders go to write with honestity in database all diseases from their lines.
I am sure in this mode the dream of Lady Duda (she can not sleep on night) will become reality.
She said:
PS: About stupid man who make for me free advertaising, "Thank you".
-With pleasure !
Pease visit Other English News.
She try to comment in my style one text from public discussions :
“DCM kills FACT, and people who use there dog's at stud and people who breed there females should have them tested for all Dobermann related
deases not just HD before breeding takes place, dogs that are not tested shouldn't be allowed to be bred from regardless of linage.
If a dog dies suddenly then other Dobermann enthusiasts have the right to know what the dog has died from so that they can avoid using
there prodgeny unless there prodgeny has been tested and cleared, if breeders continue to breed without testing they will kill the breed as we know it,
so the owners should take responsabilty be truthfull and tell people what the dog has died from. “
She continue and comment :
"All what I write have only one scope : to save the breed , and for this I SAY again and again and again and again
we need one public free for all breeders database .
LEAVE YOUR cliques, the vanglory, the hates and SAVE THE DOBERMANN BREED.
NOW , untill is not too late.
She request one public database but contest in all ocassions fantastic DVIN database .
I am sure, because lady DUDA request soo strongly, begining with this moment, ALL breeders go to write with honestity in database all diseases from their lines.
I am sure in this mode the dream of Lady Duda (she can not sleep on night) will become reality.
She said:
PS: About stupid man who make for me free advertaising, "Thank you".
-With pleasure !
Pease visit Other English News.
_English section,
database and contract
I want my database III
The lady Dooda is UNSTOPED ! Is imposible to stop this woman.
She presente arguments after arguments about DATABASE necesity.
I do not understand well why she injure our herro Napolion, because Napolion make free advertaising for this faithful Lady.
She say (is imposible to me to translate all what she say) when reffer to Napolion :
"Maybe you stupid Viceversa (I don't know to transalte this) , you thinking you are Mondial Guru but in reality you are only one stupid poor cuhrl , rough..etc. etc.
After that She presente other arguments about Database necesity. Afther this she make conclusion:
"The mans who don't accept ideea are the mans who have to suffer if we can found the truth about their solded products. I wish to you good sleep ahead !"
In his opinion, Napolion destroy the great image of the Kingdom...because he is one false patriot and because the bad things must to be solved ...'in family'.
With other words, other make bad things and we endure influences and Napolion destroy the image. I destroy the image because I presente and I make advertaising at stupidity .
I like Lady DUDA jokes !
Then my lady....Napolion all time respect you....
In this mode do you responded at respect ?
Pease visit Other English News.
She presente arguments after arguments about DATABASE necesity.
I do not understand well why she injure our herro Napolion, because Napolion make free advertaising for this faithful Lady.
She say (is imposible to me to translate all what she say) when reffer to Napolion :
"Maybe you stupid Viceversa (I don't know to transalte this) , you thinking you are Mondial Guru but in reality you are only one stupid poor cuhrl , rough..etc. etc.
After that She presente other arguments about Database necesity. Afther this she make conclusion:
"The mans who don't accept ideea are the mans who have to suffer if we can found the truth about their solded products. I wish to you good sleep ahead !"
In his opinion, Napolion destroy the great image of the Kingdom...because he is one false patriot and because the bad things must to be solved ...'in family'.
With other words, other make bad things and we endure influences and Napolion destroy the image. I destroy the image because I presente and I make advertaising at stupidity .
I like Lady DUDA jokes !
Then my lady....Napolion all time respect you....
In this mode do you responded at respect ?
Pease visit Other English News.
_English section,
database and contract
Incredible was happened. TOVARISCH say his second speach !
Tovarisch continuue:
Is not true I change my mind ; the oldest dissapear because the Big Breeders (my note: Rabbits breeders) don't wish them !
Was one reality 4 months ago, but and now, when we lost 2 Rabbits ,beloved by me.(my note: I don't understand exactly, maybe will explain)
By long time we was learned about only Big Breeders (my note: Rabbits breeders) offer us good and healtly products.
But time prove the bad things appear where we don't expected. Somebody make something in this direction ? The large public was informed about problems. No ! You (he reffer to other personage ) , You are from uniques persons who inform us about problems apparition (my note: where? -read the comment).
Today they(my note: B.Rabbits.B.) continnue to have puppys from celebrated studs who died by DKM (my note: this is one problem at brain who affect the legs and poor rabbit don't can run ). And nobody don't say nothing. But when one poor Moldovian (my note: this is one part from our imaginar Kimgdom) try to obtain one litter puppys, ALL shoot with all guns from any position.
I observe nobody don't saw anything about posibility to appear ilness in Big Kennels(my note: Rabbits kennels) because this mean defamation.
I wish to heard by one single litter without be under sign of Russian Roulette.
Then, I don't change my position in this years but I express my position rare, because I try to don't disturb saing the TRUTH ! "
Tovarich, I think you are from Moldovian land .Only them can be soo crazy dogged. I know this from my father.
All of us stand UP and APPLAUSES !
Who don't seen in their life one Moldovian clik here to see one or here for other and here for one little fantastic girl .
Please visit here .
Please visit here .
Pease visit Other English News.
Tovarisch continuue:
Is not true I change my mind ; the oldest dissapear because the Big Breeders (my note: Rabbits breeders) don't wish them !
Was one reality 4 months ago, but and now, when we lost 2 Rabbits ,beloved by me.(my note: I don't understand exactly, maybe will explain)
By long time we was learned about only Big Breeders (my note: Rabbits breeders) offer us good and healtly products.
But time prove the bad things appear where we don't expected. Somebody make something in this direction ? The large public was informed about problems. No ! You (he reffer to other personage ) , You are from uniques persons who inform us about problems apparition (my note: where? -read the comment).
Today they(my note: B.Rabbits.B.) continnue to have puppys from celebrated studs who died by DKM (my note: this is one problem at brain who affect the legs and poor rabbit don't can run ). And nobody don't say nothing. But when one poor Moldovian (my note: this is one part from our imaginar Kimgdom) try to obtain one litter puppys, ALL shoot with all guns from any position.
I observe nobody don't saw anything about posibility to appear ilness in Big Kennels(my note: Rabbits kennels) because this mean defamation.
I wish to heard by one single litter without be under sign of Russian Roulette.
Then, I don't change my position in this years but I express my position rare, because I try to don't disturb saing the TRUTH ! "
Tovarich, I think you are from Moldovian land .Only them can be soo crazy dogged. I know this from my father.
All of us stand UP and APPLAUSES !
Who don't seen in their life one Moldovian clik here to see one or here for other and here for one little fantastic girl .
Please visit here .
Please visit here .
Pease visit Other English News.
_English section,
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